Author Topic: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32  (Read 19725 times)

Offline mc65

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #75 on: December 19, 2013, 05:51:41 AM »
thank you all, guys!

today it was a busy day, but I managed to carve out a fully hour of greens...

I played a little with three tones of green on hairspray. just for fun.


with same colors I started the inspection covers on the top wing(s):

also, I predrilled the struts pylons, I hope that the main ones will hold all the load, so these should be there quite easy.

tomorrow, maybe, I'll work on preshading.
I suspect I'll go out of budget with masking tape..... ;D ;D ;D

cheers, p. ;)

Offline GAJouette

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2013, 06:16:43 AM »
Excellent craftsmanship my friend. It's all impressive,but your work on the flight instruments is really outstanding.Looking forward to seeing more.
Highest Regards,
Gregory Jouette
" What Me Worry"

Offline rhallinger

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2013, 06:36:32 AM »
I love the chipping on the fuselage top cowling.  It really looks good!  Keep up the fine work Paolo. ;D  I've built two of these, and I'm learning a great deal from your outstanding buld log which I'll put to good use on my next DR.1!  ;)  Thanks!



Offline Ernie

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2013, 06:54:49 AM »
I love the chipping on the fuselage top cowling.  It really looks good!  Keep up the fine work Paolo. ;D  I've built two of these, and I'm learning a great deal from your outstanding buld log which I'll put to good use on my next DR.1!  ;)  Thanks!



Exactly what I was thinking, Bob. Paolo, you're doing a superb job.

Ernie :)
The new old guy, take two...

Offline mc65

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2013, 08:36:14 PM »
thank you...

I'm very sorry I have little free time, in these days, so I appear on the site just for insert brief posts, and read in hurry here and there...

about the painting, I prepared a base for the streaking with oils, first of all to discover wich is the best base color:

and prepared the fuselages with primer. here the zip decal from archer after a light coat of vallejo poliurethane primer

you may see the decal film's edge shadow... I hope after another coat it will disappear!

when this &/&(NéHGFV£$% olive green oil will arrive, I'll do some tests...
bye, p. ;) 

Offline lone modeller

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2013, 09:28:56 PM »
Considering that this is just a "time filler" and you consider it to be a bit "rushed", I wonder why I bother to try building models at all!! This is a simply wonderful build log - I am wholly amazed at how much fine and accurate detail you manage to get into this model. Your craftsmanship is outstanding.

Offline Nigel Jackson

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #81 on: December 20, 2013, 10:05:43 PM »
Doesn't  lone modeller say it all? Thanks mc65 for sharing it with us

Best wishes

Offline lcarroll

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2013, 12:41:07 AM »
   Really beautiful work Paolo, and three of everything! Your interiors are exquisite; I use the Aeroclub and Airscale Products as well but I don't get the magnificent results you do...your instruments are the best I've seen!
  Well done, looking forward to following more progress.

Offline rhallinger

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2013, 02:35:51 AM »
Ditto to all of the above.  Very fine work Paolo!  ;D



Offline mc65

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #84 on: December 28, 2013, 11:59:08 PM »
it's a long long way ... : - \

returned home, I found the oil color in the inbox, finally! here's some tests:
I tried olive green, raw umber, white. the main objective here is to understand wich is the best base color.

I think it's the bottom right: Fokker olive green plus RLM 02.

the green it's too brilliant, but with some black I suppose it should be good. also, the white it's too much prominent, I guess.

and now we are trying to understand wich is the best technique ... acrylic or oil-based. on the left we have acrylics on dump base, and oil on the right. the base too wet leads to bad results, in my opinion (bottom left).

it seems acrylic shows his best if a little diluted and applied to the base once wet... but it is difficult to control. the paint dries very quickly, so the errors are impossible to correct. here two WWII germans greens.

the oil. here the olive green corrected with black (left) and with some raw umber. Here it is easier to correct mistakes, but it is difficult to maintain strips with sharp edges.

so, conclusion? ...not yet, keep on going... :o

Offline mc65

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #85 on: December 29, 2013, 08:05:03 AM »
while thinking at colors, I began to mask and paint the preshading. due to the particular paintings, plenty of black & white, I expect a little nightmare, when on definitive colors. but go step by step.

kilometers of masking tape...


to achieve some little result...


not bad, no?


there are still all the wings to do, a lot of. and tomorrow I'll leave again.... >:( >:( >:(

Offline RAGIII

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #86 on: December 29, 2013, 09:49:00 AM »
Great progress! I am so looking forward to seeing your streaks!
"A man has to know his limitations": Harry Callahan

"Don't slop it on" Lynda Geisler

Offline Mark

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #87 on: December 29, 2013, 11:04:14 AM »
And here I was worried about my lack of references for this aircraft  :)  Following your build log I will have no problems building mine!

Wonderful job!


Offline Ernie

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #88 on: December 29, 2013, 12:27:52 PM »
Really good preshading Paolo.  The triplets are coming along nicely.
Your streaking experiments are very informative. Thank you for the
useful information.

Ernie :)
The new old guy, take two...

Offline mc65

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Re: Kempf's Dr.I roden 1/32
« Reply #89 on: January 03, 2014, 04:35:14 AM »
ok, I can do it.

to achieve the masks for the triangular areas on the upper wings, I prepared "some" masking tape.....

it's a long story....

but it's just a matter of put a step after another one.

but at now, after a full afternoon, I managed to cover with preshading just the upper surfaces!

studying zen? phew. do some Dr.Is.... ;)