Thank you Rick, Gérard, Antonio and Giuseppe!
I have now a update, but the further progress will slow down a bit due to lack of time.
EngineNow I have done the engine.
This are the resin parts of the Premium Edition.

I cleaned the parts, primed with Alclad black and painted according to the manual. Mostly with Alclads, the gloss heads are MRP. The plastic parts are the remaining geared engine of my Eduard SE.5a for comparison.

The small details are painted with brush.

The crankcase is semi matt alu. It needs some graphite and a washing.

It fits and looks ok.

Mostly not visible later.

The front view shows more, but there will be the hub of the airscrew.

There are two parts for the normal kit - the cylinders will be glued into the cowling. But it is also possible to be the engine separately since the manual show both options.

A real highlight are the metal exhausts of the Premium. Fits, but I have not glued them in place to avoid mounting problems later.

The engine is done, now some thoughts about the weapons.
Three types of Vickers MG: PE of Part, a Gaspatch and below the kit part.

I do not like the closed front, the Gaspatch looks more real.

Here in the modified cowling. Also other parts needs to be modified to get the bigger (but in scale) Gaspatch in.

Also in a drawing comparison I like the Gaspatch more.

The PE of Parts are not needed. It makes sense, if the cooling jackets has real openings, but on the Dolphin the front is closed and the openings are below the cowling. So there is no need to solder the PE for this model. I have more detail pictures, but no copyright. But the closed jacket can also be seen in this WNW picture.
If you have objections or ideas, please speak up!