Hi folks
The first coat off flesh is on and I mixed it from Humbrols Flesh 61 and wood 110.The reason for using wood 110 in the flesh 61 is just to take that screaming top off the flesh colour. The 61 flesh is a good base colour for skintones but needs “knocking off” a bit. Leather 62 could be used to or instead. I´m often try to change the skin tones so I don´t ending up with a standard paint mix for my figures. If so I wouldn’t like to take a look on the shelf where I have my figures so take a good look around you at your local Mal, skin tones comes in many tones .The paint was added with a Kolinksi #0 brush.
I often see this on WW1 models where the modeler just using the same old tin for all his British birds. I´m not so impressed to see the same clear doped linen in the same tone, so make some changes.

I used two thin coats for this and make sure that the first coat was completely dry before adding the second. The whole face and hands was covered, no fuss here just simple brushing. The paint mix was diluted 50-50% with white spirits just so I had a good cover off the areas. If you do this make sure that the paint isn´t diluted to thick, you will lose all that nicely detail the sculptor have worked in.
When the first flesh coats having a day to dry up my attention was to the tunic and hat. I just painted the tunic and hat here with the same mix off Kaki. The mix was done with Hu 78 Cockpit green and Kaki 26.Two thin coats will be added to give it a good base for the next to come. I did not paint the trousers with this mix, because I want to get another Kaki mix for this, just following my own advice here. The paint was added with a Kolinksi #0 brush. On the pics I have just put on the first thin coat off Kaki and now it will take 12 hours off drying time, that’s what I calling painting ”wet on dry” method.

When I was in the primer work with my airbrush I mixed wood 110 and sand in the airbrush jar un cleaned after the figure was primed, so ending up with a soft wooden colour in the airbrush me attention was on to the working table/bench.

Critics and comments are off course welcome