Any chance you could show or list the tools in your arsenal? Resin 3D printer make etc and how do you create/cad the parts? I'm just venturing into the 3D printers.
Sure Steve —For printer I have a humble Phrozen Mini 8K. I’ll probably buy another — one for prototyping and the other for production. For cleaning and curing I likewise have the Phrozen system. I use 99% isopropyl for cleaning; the tank holds 8 liters, and I keep it full. I filter out the cleaning solution about once a month. As for resin, for production parts I use 90% Phrozen Aqua 8K, 10% Siraya Tenacious Obsidian. For rapid prototyping I like Siraya Fast Grey Metal. For CAD I use Rhino3D. I’m actually on a fairly ancient version (5.5) but it does just about everything I need. For slicing / supports I use the free version of Chitubox.
Regarding workflow creating parts, it’s a mostly a matter of careful measuring, finding good drawings, and setting up the project workspace with solid datums. Of course you need to be fluent in knowing what sort of tool to use to create a certain kind of shape or solid. That comes with practice. 90% of what I make starts out as some kind of extrusion. One pro tip: Chitubox doesn’t care if stl meshes are unioned — you can simply have overlapping solids and Cbox will happily treat them as a single watertight solid. Great for iterating…
I guess I should add that figuring out how to optimally orient parts for printing is a black art. You are juggling print speed, layer integrity, support cruft, and print artifacts among other things. Again, trial and error, iteration… there is guidance online but beware of dogma…