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Under Construction / Re: Phönix D.I 1/32 LukGraph
« Last post by FokkerFodder on Today at 01:25:01 AM »
Wonderful engine! I hope they issue this in 1/48 one day. Was this one piece? The quality of the printing is becoming amazing but sometimes the painting looks quite difficult, at least to those of us use to painting lots of sub-units.

Looking fantastic - it’s a great kit. I think you’re the first person I’ve seen using the Gaspatch rfc turnbuckles. They look the part.

What's New / Eduard re-releasing DH2
« Last post by FokkerFodder on Today at 01:17:46 AM »
Not really ‘new’ but if you’re interested (I am!), Eduard are re-releasing their DH2 1/48 in November. I’ve now nearly completed 2 Eduard kits in this scale and enjoy them - how is the DH2 kit? The rigging might be a bit daunting although given what our 1/72 and 1/144 colleagues get up to I shouldn’t complain!

WW1 Aircraft Dioramas / Re: Felixstowe Naval Air Station
« Last post by FokkerFodder on Today at 01:12:24 AM »
I really love your dioramas and this one is spectacular as usual!

The David Wilson Memorial Group Build 2024 / Re: A WNW S.E.5a for Dave
« Last post by Vickers on October 11, 2024, 11:15:11 PM »
Looking good. Could you share how you are doing the rigging? It looks like you have glued terminal points in place before adding the wires. I'd be interested to know what products you are using and how you are approaching this.....

Hello, NigelR.

I've used the Gaspatch RAF/RFC resin turnbuckles, metal turnbuckles, and anchor points because they appeared to be the closest matches to the types of fasteners visible on the TVAL and RAF Hendon S.E.5a's. The anchor points and metal turnbuckles went well by either threading the Uschi 0.5 line through the former and/or taking a round turn or half hitch on the latter, then applying a tiny drop of glue. The resin turnbuckles have a tiny bore through them through which the modeler is advised to thread their rigging material first, glue the line into desired points on the model, and then run the turnbuckles up to their proper positions and glue those. I was not able to do that because I used heavy E-Z Line for the paired bracing wires. It hasn'tt gone perfectly because after trying various CA and other "fast acting" glues I could not get them to bond the tips of the wires to the end of the turnbuckles, so I had to resort to gluing the rigging material to the tops or sides of the turnbuckles in order to provide enough area for the glue to gain sufficient purchase sufficient. So, on the microlevel I've had to sacrifice some detail- but I can live with that.

I should have another update in the works this evening as I'm nearly finished and just a couple of bench hours away from mounting the Lewis MG- the last bit to go on.
Under Construction / Re: Phönix D.I 1/32 LukGraph
« Last post by Rookie on October 11, 2024, 10:16:38 PM »
Great work!

If I am right this aircraft had a Hiero engine. I was a little thrown of by the Warchalowski logo.

WW1 Aircraft Dioramas / Re: Felixstowe Naval Air Station
« Last post by Rookie on October 11, 2024, 09:43:52 PM »
This is truly stunning work, not one but six Felixstowes :o 

That dio looks awesome too!


What's interesting to read / Re: On this Day (WWI aviation news), Vol. 3
« Last post by PJ Fisher on October 11, 2024, 08:40:31 PM »
Parschau Praised Posthumously
Otto Parschau was already a member of Die Fliegertruppen des deutschen Kaiserreichesachieve when Germany entered the Great War.  He ultimately achieved eight aerial victories until falling in combat against the Royal Flying Corps (as headlined here in July 2023:  "Parschau retained enough control to land his plane behind German lines. He was rushed to a field hospital but died on the operating table." (via wikipedia)
(from The Aeroplane, 11 October 1916):

The David Wilson Memorial Group Build 2024 / Re: 1/32 Wingnuts Roland D.VIb
« Last post by AngryJazz on October 11, 2024, 06:41:34 PM »
Love the progress on this colorful model. Really turning out nicely  ;D
Beautiful work Mike!  :)
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