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The David Wilson Memorial Group Build 2024 / Re: CSM Bristol Scout
« Last post by RAGIII on Today at 08:57:11 AM »
Your Scout is looking terrific! I Love the "See Through effect" on the wings. Outstanding work and progress!!
Excellent work on the figure! Looking terrific!
I love your choice! Be advised that those Glencoe Decals will Most Likely Self Destruct No Matter what you do to try and prevent the Destruction! As for the colors, I agree with the Profile as the rudder is in the IWM and is green. I could go either way as to the fuselage band/background to the cross/
I was saddened to learn of Dave's passing.

I hadn't been able to get to this site for several months as mymuchbetterhalf and I were/are finishing up building our new retirement house and life in general getting the way.

I thought I read that Daves two favorite aircraft were the SE5a and Pfalz DIII. I already have an SE and the Pfalz came to me when Eduard would not send me just replacement decals for my Voss F1, I had to buy a kit and they would pack them in that. So the Pfalz won and I got my decals and a Pfalz.

I love the illustrations on the old kit boxtops. I have done art tribute builds in the past.

I thought I was going to be able do something similar with this.

These are the markings we all grew up with for Hecht's aircraft.

Apparently modern technology is telling us otherwise.

And I disagree with the above as I feel the field between the fuselage stripes and behind the cross is white and not silver.

The requisite GB photos.

I will pinch the needed serial numbers from the Glencoe sheet.

I wanted to participate in this GB to honor Dave. Sadly, life is getting in the way again as other hobbies are taking up my time so posting for this build may be somewhat sporadic. Rainy days happen so no playing outside and I'll gladly come in and work at the desk on Dave's Pfalz.

Any thoughts as to the accuracy of the new research on Hecht's aircraft are welcome.
Completed models / Re: 1/28 Revell Fokker DR1 Triplane
« Last post by gedmundson on Today at 06:32:22 AM »
Beautifully finished project - and on such a classic kit! Well done indeed.
Completed models / Re: Roden 1/32 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter
« Last post by gedmundson on Today at 06:31:07 AM »
Really nice finish to your model, Nigel. The figures and aircraft are finished to top level. Overall it's an amazing overall scene.
That looks fantastic - I love it! Very nicely done.
Well this part was one I did not look forward to.... The figure...

I have never done a real figure. I always cheated if there was a face... used a speedpaints. That's good enough for small fantasy figures where there's no real reference... but not in 1/35.

So all the figure techniques like layering, highlights, shadows etc... wow just overwhelming!
Think I should try to do a figure from time to time just for practice since I really think they add something to a build.

Im missing a varnish. Maybe it will help the blending a little.

Anyways enough talk, more pictures!

Next up is the base.

The David Wilson Memorial Group Build 2024 / Re: CSM Bristol Scout
« Last post by Pep111 on Today at 05:47:31 AM »
I am privileged to be A part of this group build honoring Dave.  Also really enjoying the progress of everyone that is A part of this.
The David Wilson Memorial Group Build 2024 / Re: CSM Bristol Scout
« Last post by Pep111 on Today at 05:29:42 AM »

 Well it's been A little while since I have posted any thing. Here are some pictures of the progress I have made

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