Author Topic: Tonights Menu  (Read 2684 times)

Offline Alexis

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Tonights Menu
« on: May 18, 2021, 11:30:47 AM »
Lately I have developed an obsession with green , red , orange and yellow peppers as well as cayenne pepper . Been experimenting on trying new things in kitchen and as shameful as it is ... cooking has never been my thing . Co-vid has brought out a bit of creativeness in me opening up a side of me I didn't knew I had . 

I had some pork loin ( meat should never be chewy ) and I cube this up . In a large frying pan I tossed in half a orange pepper and half a green pepper , a bit of red onion , garlic and two tablespoons of olive oil  , teaspoon of cayenne pepper . True heat on high and when it starts to sizzle add the pork and mix this well . Next add a cup of pineapple juice and chunks , reduce heat and simmer until liquid has evaporated . Add what ever BBQ sause you like and heat for a few minutes ( I use Sweet Baby Ray's ) .

Chow down !


Hurra ! , Ich Leben Noch
Body and life is a vessel we use to travel the planet . Femininity is the gift , The miracle comes from what we do with it .

Offline Edo

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Re: Tonights Menu
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2021, 03:38:07 PM »
wow! Alexis,
this seems to be juicy!

Since you said you like pepper, I ‘ll pass you my secret recipe to bake them ;)

put some (very little) of olive oil on uncut peppers and massage them with your hands till all the peppers are covered in olive oil
put them in a pre heat owen (220 celsius) till they are brown, you’ll say burned, outside. You can turn them at mid cook.
When thy are ready, take them out of the owen and put them in a plastic bag (the one you use to store food in the freeze is ok) - a couple of peppers per bag should be ok.
Seal the bag with a knot or whatever and wait till the are cold.
Once they are cold, take them out and they should peel like charm! (careful that they “produce” a lot of wet in the process).
Cut them in strips, clean the seeds, put them in a bowl and cover with olive oli, basil and a little garlic (if you like) and salt as you wish.

that’s it: enjoy!


p.s. the same goes if you like to barbecue them, but owen is much easier...

Offline Alexis

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Re: Tonights Menu
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2021, 04:58:02 AM »
It is , it is really juicy ! Even works with beef or chicken .

Thanks for your green pepper secret , will be trying that this weekend . Already have the peppers and I'm never out of olive oil .

Hurra ! , Ich Leben Noch
Body and life is a vessel we use to travel the planet . Femininity is the gift , The miracle comes from what we do with it .

Offline DaveB

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Re: Tonights Menu
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2021, 01:29:13 AM »
Great one, Alexis!

My eldest son (Simon age 24) is really into cooking as a hobby.  Prior to Covid he to come to mum and dad's each Wednesday evening and help prepare us a special meal - me and Jacquie have really missed that.   Hopefully now things are slowly starting to open up again in England we can look forward to that again - and not just the quality of the food but also the pleasure of his company!


As we say in fencing, what's the point!

Offline Monty

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Re: Tonights Menu
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2021, 03:59:17 AM »
Ooh, a foodie thread! Wonderful! Edo, there is a Moroccan fish recipe using red peppers cooked exactly as you describe, but added to fish with Moroccan spices, Salsa, and the peppers! Divine! Peppers (And Chilies!) are amazing... Regards, Marc.

Offline Edo

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Re: Tonights Menu
« Reply #5 on: May 20, 2021, 03:40:06 PM »
hey Mark,
have to try that, seems delicious!

Now, since we are into cooking... do you know how to cook turkish eggplants?
It is most easy and a must have in all my summer barbecues.... Here it goes....

When preparing for a barbecue and the fire is still high, place 2 eggplants right on the hedge of the fire, it is ok if the flames touch them. Cook until almost bourned, they should be very soft inside, so soft that if not careful you’ll punch a hole in it when handling (use a glove!).
Take them out of the fire, cut them in half and with a spoon collect all the inside and put it in a colander for some minutes to let them loose the wet (which is bitter). After 10 minutes or so, put it in a bowl an blend with a blender with olive oil, salt and the juice of 1/2 lemon. That’s it! Enjoy on toasts or bread you like.

Easy, but fantastic!
