wow! Alexis,
this seems to be juicy!
Since you said you like pepper, I ‘ll pass you my secret recipe to bake them

put some (very little) of olive oil on uncut peppers and massage them with your hands till all the peppers are covered in olive oil
put them in a pre heat owen (220 celsius) till they are brown, you’ll say burned, outside. You can turn them at mid cook.
When thy are ready, take them out of the owen and put them in a plastic bag (the one you use to store food in the freeze is ok) - a couple of peppers per bag should be ok.
Seal the bag with a knot or whatever and wait till the are cold.
Once they are cold, take them out and they should peel like charm! (careful that they “produce” a lot of wet in the process).
Cut them in strips, clean the seeds, put them in a bowl and cover with olive oli, basil and a little garlic (if you like) and salt as you wish.
that’s it: enjoy!
p.s. the same goes if you like to barbecue them, but owen is much easier...