Author Topic: "Ne zdes', ne segodnya ... (Not here, not today...)" Summer 1941 (KV-2, 1:35)  (Read 3032 times)

Offline Borsos

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It's been a while since I posted some pictures here. But I am not completely off the hobby...
The KV-2 was a Soviet infantry support tank. Its intented job was to destroy fortified field works and bunkers. In spite of having a bad cross-country capability, being under-engined and prone to mechanical breakdown, its thick armor made it almost invulnerable for German AFVs. Therefore the KV-2 frequently was used as a mobile bunker that blocked important roads where it could hold its ground quite well. And that's where we are here, a road somewhere in the Western Soviet Union in Summer 1941...

It's the Trumpeter kit with heavy Photo-etched additions including the fenders and the tool boxes. Figures are a mixture of Evolution, Scale75 and other manufacturers. No poses needed to be altered this time. The air recognition flag is actual linen which I'd better replaced with thin lead foil.
Best regards,
"Deux armées aux prises, c'est une grande armée qui se suicide."
"Ein Berg in Deutschland kann doch einen Berg in Frankreich nicht beleidigen. Oder ein Fluß oder ein Wald oder ein Weizenfeld."

Offline rhallinger

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That is a very moving and well-executed vignette, Andreas.  The vehicle and figures are very realistically done.  Thank you for sharing this! 

Best regards,


Offline Alexis

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Wow , awesome !

Hurra ! , Ich Leben Noch
Body and life is a vessel we use to travel the planet . Femininity is the gift , The miracle comes from what we do with it .

Offline RAGIII

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Nice to see More of your work show up...even if it is OT  ;D Beautifully done Tank and figures set in a Terrific and powerful scene! Thanks for sharing Andreas!
"A man has to know his limitations": Harry Callahan

"Don't slop it on" Lynda Geisler

Online gedmundson

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How nice to see some of your new work, Andreas. Your little vignette looks wonderfully detailed and painted. Outstanding figure painting, and I love the weathered look to everything. Amazingly realistic.Congrats on a beautifully completed project and thanks for posting this.

Offline Borsos

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Dear Bob, Alexis, Rick and Gary, thank you very much for looking and for your kind words. They mean a lot to me.
Best regards,
"Deux armées aux prises, c'est une grande armée qui se suicide."
"Ein Berg in Deutschland kann doch einen Berg in Frankreich nicht beleidigen. Oder ein Fluß oder ein Wald oder ein Weizenfeld."

Offline WD

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Brilliant work Borsos! Well executed and poignant. I recall reading accounts of the heroic stands made by KV-2 crews in '41. Legendary.

I look forward to seeing more.


Offline Borsos

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Thank you a lot, WD!
"Deux armées aux prises, c'est une grande armée qui se suicide."
"Ein Berg in Deutschland kann doch einen Berg in Frankreich nicht beleidigen. Oder ein Fluß oder ein Wald oder ein Weizenfeld."

Offline DaveB

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Wow! - superb work, Borsos -

Great dio that is very evocative.


As we say in fencing, what's the point!

Offline Borsos

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Thank you very much, Dave!
"Deux armées aux prises, c'est une grande armée qui se suicide."
"Ein Berg in Deutschland kann doch einen Berg in Frankreich nicht beleidigen. Oder ein Fluß oder ein Wald oder ein Weizenfeld."