I went roaring down to the local PO, tracking @ in hand. When I told the clerk what my problem was she responded, "Probably a scam, we have been getting a lot of those,", without looking at her computer. She then took the number in the back and ran it on the USPS computer and came back with a printout indicating that the package was addressed properly and still in New Jersey working it's way through customs. She wouldn't let me have the printout, but was happy to let me photograph it with my cell phone camera.
Now I can't for the life of me figure how a phony email with USPS logo on it telling me my package had been accepted by an individual in New York is going to get someone money, unless of course I get a message asking for money to mail it to me. which hasn't happened yet.
Oh well it will either get here or it won't. I shouldn't have spent the money in the first place, so if I loose out, I guess I deserve it.