Thanks everyone! I have managed to get the fuselage painted red, and I've trimmed the struts and started painting them. So far, so good.
I thought about the suggestion of a Nieuport engine sprue from Edgar at CSM, but then realized that even if he sold me a spare, it would probably take 2-4 weeks to get here with current shipping constraints. I'm not that patient, and trying to watch my modeling budget, so I looked around for what was on hand. I happened to have a donor kit of a HobbyCraft Nie.17, and the engine was still there and looked passable, so I got right to it without doing any research (after all, it was a Nieuport 17 engine, so how could I go astray, right?). It was done in no time:
Looks okay, but the copper intake manifolds don't connect up, and something just didn't match photos of the actual aircraft, so I looked into it a little further. Turns out that the Nie.17 engine is a Le Rhone 9j 110 hp, and what I need is a Le Rhone 9c, 80 hp. There is an extreme visual difference, as those copper manifolds are on the front of the 9c and very visible, but on the back of the 9j I had just built and painted in my haste. Grrrr!
I studied my 9j a bit and, being a frugal and impatient so-and-so, decided that I could convert it to a 9c with a little surgery. Nothing has been easy about this kit anyway!
I decided to cut off the manifolds and push rods from the back of the crankcase, and craft the new manifolds from Evergreen styrene rod, like so:
I need to fashion new rocker arms and push rods from strip styrene and then paint them to complete this. We'll see how it turns out. At least I'm saving time and money, and making it more challenging in keeping with the theme of this group build. Honestly, I am rather enjoying tinkering with this engine to see if it will work.