I have posted this before in the intro to the Group build, so I suppose I am committed... please don't count on me finishing this, but I will indeed give it my best shot! I have actually done a bit of work cleaning up the mouldings, the arms of the figure are on and it all looks like a good sculpt... In order to tell a story an aircraft build would be great... since it is an early war British pilot a DH2 would be just great, but a WNW kit would take so long... My WNW Pup is far advanced, would it be OK to add to the dio? There is a long term project of a Bristol Scout C in my mind... That would take some work! But the sheer stimulation of a dio build is taking hold... hopefully there will be some progress!
Sorry to repeat the pictures, but I need them for my own inspiration too...
Enjoy the Group Build!
All the Best,