I hope this is the right place to post this. I have been searching for info on painting Italian uniforms whith not much luck. I asked Richard for help and got some advice. "I suspect green/grey tunic and breeches, fawn puttees, brown or black leather..."
I also started reading a book called "Memoirs of Lt. Camillo Viglino: Italian Air Force 1915-1916: Italian Air Force, 1915-1916" written in 1934. In 1915 at least he said uniforms where whatever you wore. Infamtry, cavalry, policeman. The helmet was tin covered in cork and coloured kaki. Usually black leather coats but could be anything including rain coats. I think that leaves a lot of room for individuality when painting the great Aviattic Italian Pilot. I got my book for kindle at amazon fpr $10.00
http://www.amazon.ca/s?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=Victor%20Viglino&search-alias=digital-textAs I read more maybe he will have some later war uniform info.
As you can see there is not a lot of info, but maybe we could pool resources here? BTW finding the book very interesting and so far the flying training is an eye opener. Cant wait until he gets to the combat stories. Some nice pics of various trainers also.