Author Topic: Laminated Wood Propellers - The Micro Group  (Read 3360 times)

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Laminated Wood Propellers - The Micro Group
« on: March 26, 2013, 08:28:11 AM »


First look review by Des Delatorre

The Micro Group are pleased to announce the release of their latest range of hand made laminated wood propellers.

The propellers will be available in 1:72, 1:48, 1:32 and 1:28 scale with a selection German Axial, Garuda, Jaray, the American Curtiss JN4c, Thomas Morse Scout, DH4 and British Armstrong Whitworth FK8, Bristol F2b and Airco DH2. A customer can order a specific propeller which will be made by hand and sent to the customer. Each propeller is available in a variety of colour selections such as; all light contrasting wood, all dark contrasting wood, and a combination of light and dark woods.

The types of woods used in the construction of the propellers are all hardwoods and include Cherry, Birch, Walnut, Maple, Ash and Mahogany, coarse grained hardwoods such as Teak and Oak are not used. The number of laminates comprising the propeller varies and this will greatly influence the appearance of the wood propeller. Email photographs are sent to the client showing the variety of the propellers made for them, from these photos they can see the propellers and selct the one (or more) that pleases them. The photos show the front and rear of the selection of propellers to choose from.

This ''propeller colour palette'' illustrates the range of colours available using the different combination of timbers and a variation in the number of laminations. Each propeller will be delivered with a full gloss finish, since it is easier to remove gloss than to add it, The Micro Group has decided to let the customer determine the level of gloss they desire. I ''dulled''  the sample propellers by rubbing them with 0000 steel wool which resulted in a very nice realistic satin finish.

The propellers will be deliverd in a zip lock plastic bag, the propeller is wrapped in bubble wrap for protection and is taped to a business card. Also taped to the front of the card will be the two retention plates, front and rear. These are supplied with every propeller and are cast in resin, they are thin and well detailed. On the back of the card you will find a holder. This is used to mount the propeller and is secured with a metal pin (also supplied), the customer will then see that with the slightest breath the propeller will rotate emphasizing the accuaracy of the propeller blades airfoil shape. Each propeller has a true centre of rotation hole, this can be enlarged to suit the customers requirements.

The contents of each packet is shown here, a business card with contact details, the propellers, the two retention plates, the holder and metal pin and a note indicating the type of propeller. I have one of the retention plates just sitting on the propeller to show how well it fits, it took very little clean up but several of the holes needed drilling out, I use a 0.6mm drill bit. This particular propeller has a variety of wood colours and shows the glue lines very well giving it a distinctive appearance.

This propeller is the four bladed type used on the RE.8 and is in 1:32 scale. This has a combinations of light and dark woods which highlights very well the propellers lamellar construction, There were ten laminations used to make this propeller and this is emphasised as viewing is moved towards the hub of the propeller. This is a fairly large propeller and matches perfectly in dimensions with the plastic propeller supplied with the WnW kit of the RE.8

The next propeller is the Garuda propeller in 1:32 scale. Again, this propeller shows the different types of glue lines which gives the propeller a very attractive appearance. I have dulled these propellers using 0000 steel wool.

This propeller is the late style Axial again in 1:32 scale, the combination of dark woods gives a unique appearance.

The Wotan propeller in 1:32 scale is constructed using lighter coloured woods but the glue lines are quite evident giving this propeller a very attractive look. The close-up side shot gives a very clear indication of the number of laminations incorporated into the buidling of this propeller.

This propeller will be known to most WW1 modelers, it is the Wolff propeller and is in 1:32 scale, the distinct shape of this propeller stands out well. The combination of light and dark woods has given this propeller a beautiful appearance and really highlights the laminations very easily.

A late style Axial propeller in 1:48 scale again incorporates the use of different woods giving the laminations a good definition.

Lastly we have the four bladed Vickers Viking IV pusher propeller in 1:72 scale. I can imagine the difficulties in constructing this propeller in such a small scale, but the end result is quite a stunning little propeller.


Payment is to be made by PayPal in US dollars. Arrangements for multiple purchases (15 or more receive a 10% discount) can be arranged.

1:48 scale

2 blade    $22.00
4 blade    $30.00

1:32 scale

2 blade    $26.00
4 blade    $35.00

1:28 scale

2 blade    $30.00
4 blade    $40.00


Shipping costs are $3.50 (USD) for domestic and $9.60 (USD) for international clients. It should be remembered that, first, it takes about ten business days for the letter to arrive in foriegn countries and second, the US Postal Service is not gentle with the mail entrusted to it for delivery. Precautions are taken to protect the contents of the parcel. Other shipping options are available but their cost is comparatively high in relation to the item being sent. Clients wishing that their letter be sent by other carriers will be dealt with.


At this time The Micro Group does not have a website, all contact and orders can be made through their Email

[email protected]

Craig will be happy to assist you in any way.

To ensure customer satisfaction with their product they ask that the exact length of the plastic propeller (if known) is supplied with the order.


The only fault I can see with these wonderful propellers is the lack of decals. There are decals available for most propellers from various decal manufacturers, but they don't cover the full range of available propellers. Two decals included in the package with the propeller to suit the particular make would finish these propellers off beautifully.


The Micro Group have been making wood propellers for over a year now and this new range is an improvement on their initial products. The woods being used are of very fine grain and have a scale appearance not only in look but colour as well. The customer has a choice of woods giving a wide variety of colours and laminations, this allows the customer to have a one off propeller unique to any other making their model stand out just that little bit more. These propellers are extremely well made and are very accurate in terms of scale and technical precision, they would enhance any WW1 model aircraft'


Thanks to Craig at The micro Group for supplying the review samples.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2014, 07:24:52 AM by Des »
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