Hi everyone,
I am pleased to announce that the Paypal donation button is up and working again. After Dave Wilson's passing, I now have access to the Paypal account and can fully administer said account.
The paypal donate button therefore is good to go!
Please be aware that the current donation button will take you to a link that says "Donate to David Stephen Wilson" -
don't be alarmed by this! Rest assured that the account is linked to our
ww1aircraftmodels.com@ gmail.com e-mail address and nothing else (I have removed all connections to Dave's personal e-mail account and any bank account; the Paypal account stands alone and unafraid!

Unfortunately I am yet to figure out a way to update the button link to display anything other than Dave's name, as his name and ID is linked to the account and I can't change this without starting a new Paypal account (which will blow away the current recurring payments for those members donating regularly).
I'll continue to try and find a way to fix this (so far, I am unsuccessul...!). But, please feel free to get those donations going again - it's those donations that keep us running!
Thank you all again!
Brad C