Author Topic: Photos from The Vintage Aviator Ltd (TVAL) flying weekends 2023/24 season  (Read 3540 times)

Offline Jamo

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Greetings All
Another wet and windy summer season (not quite finished). The TVAL volunteer crew meet monthly during the flying season (Oct to April) to maintain currency on the various aircraft and practice displays for the biennial Wings Over Wairarapa airshow.  This is held at Hood Aerodrome (where TVAL are based), but this year the airshow was pushed back to Nov-23 due to weather concerns, and unfortunately the weather was too windy for the TVAL collection to fly during the show.

My photos are intended to record airfield life, hopefully with a little 'atmosphere'. This season saw a new aircraft added to the collection, a reproduction Fokker Eindecker. Some aircraft are still unserviceable: the SE5a trio are waiting on some new valves, the early BE2c is in the process of being recovered (UV damage weakened the fabric) and a couple of Pups need some repair work. The LVG probably won't be flying for the foreseeable future as the pilots are unhappy with it's small, ineffective rudder which gets blanked by the large plywood fuselage. Zanzibar FE2b needs a some engine work.

TVAL have not been able to offer hangar tours to the public for some years now, as the hangar is so packed with aircraft it isn't possible to walk around safely. A new hangar would be great but no idea how far away that might be. There are vantage points for the public not far from the flight line, and there are occasional lunch time tours available by arrangement, particularly for overseas visitors with a special interest

An album for the new Fokker Eindecker:

The images are hi-res and you are welcome to download any for your personal use. Use the small download icon, not a right mouse button click or they won't be full size. If you want to post them elsewhere please credit me as the photographer

Thanks to TVAL for the generous hospitality offered to me, and to the volunteer pilots and ground crew for keeping the collection flying
« Last Edit: March 16, 2024, 07:54:05 AM by Jamo »
Happy Modelling
James Fahey

Check out my massive photo collection here:

Offline KiwiZac

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Thank you for sharing these terrific photos James! It's neat to see myself in a couple of them - look for a big guy in shorts and a bright blue shirt.

I'm so pleased to see the Hanriot was out and about for the most recent session! It's also nice to see a photo of the second Eindecker, but I have to call out this image for being particularly atmospheric: what a great capture!

« Last Edit: March 11, 2024, 05:09:14 AM by KiwiZac »
Zac in NZ

Offline NigelR

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Fabulous photos, and I am jealous that you are able to see that collection up close and personal.....

Offline Dubar

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Beautiful aircraft and excellent photos, thanks!!!  I haven't been up close to any WW1 aircraft since the old Flying Circus Aerodrome in Bealeton Virginia back in the early 70s!!!

And shame on me because there's the Military Aviation Museum only 25 miles away in Virginia Beach  :-[:

Offline Brad Cancian

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Amazing pictures James, thank you so much for posting them - that would be an absolute dream event to be at... maybe I need to go back to NZ again!!


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Offline Big Sky Modeler

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Great pictures!  So nice of you to share with the rest of us so we can see these airplanes in such detail.

Offline Jamo

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I have just added a heap more photos to this folder, covering flying weekends in April and May this year. No more flying now until October. The BE2c 'early' with the skids on the undercarriage will have had it's fabric replaced by then and should be back flying after a gap of a few years. Hopefully the parts needed for engine maintenance on the three SE5as will have arrived and they will be back flying again next season.
Happy Modelling
Happy Modelling
James Fahey

Check out my massive photo collection here:

Offline Lyle

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Outstanding, thank you very much!

Offline lcarroll

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Wonderful stuff Jamo, and again Thank You so much for sharing with us!

Online Allan31

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Thanks James,
I only just now discovered this album. What a truly amazing collection of stunning images that I'm sure I will be scrolling through again and again.
For the moment, the D.VIII images as that is what is on the bench at the moment and soon the DH.4 and that amazing stubby propeller.
Amazing how Castor oil can find its way pretty much anywhere it wants....
Allan Buttrick

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