The eyelet problem has been on my mind, too, since I learned about Bob's health issues. Some time ago I have bought a roll of copper wire 0.125mm diameter.
And having read this thread, having remembered that I read about the tool to twist the eyelets and seeing the excellent tutorial by our Des, I have tried my hand on it.
What I can say, it is perfectly doable and with some skill can be a fine passtime after more demanding modelling jobs
Here are my tools and the first batch of 10 eyelets.
But the ballpen spring I used to make the hook has the wire diameter about 0.3mm. I compared my proudly made eyelets with the last examples from Bob and found that the eye is substantially larger
And here my wife helped me with a donation to my tool batch. An ancient tool used years ago to repair the "falling eyes" in then precious stockings. The hook is smaller but also with a smaller diameter.
But it produces the eyelets identical to the Bob's ones!