I have been trying to keep this information more or less under the radar. I think it's time to get this in the open. I have already shared this with the Admin and some other close Friends.
Last year My wife was diagnosed with Small Cell Carcinoma in her Lungs. It was caught Very early and all were hopeful. As an aside, she had one bad habit which was smoking. Otherwise she always had a great diet.and really practiced healthy habits.
Last year when I was somewhat absent from the forum, she was undergoing her first series of chemo and radiation.
After that she was cancer free for only four months before she showed more tumors growing in her Lungs.
In the last few months she has been going through further chemo treatments.
The impact on me has been devastating to say the least. I have found that the worst thing is my Anger is Skin deep and can explode without much provocation
A small setback in a model build suddenly becomes a fit of anger. Last week I was attempting to attach the upper wing on the Roden Sopwith Strutter. I had difficulty and smashed it on the floor.
I have therefore gone back to WW2 1/72 nd models that are a bit less stressful.
This is also why I have been remiss in comments on the terrific builds going on now.