I want to start by saying that I am not the builder of this kit. I only restored, repainted, and improved upon some details. My brother in law bought this built model at an estate sale in Harbor Beach, Michigan. It was in terrible condition:
The overall model is made from balsa. I cleaned all the dust and excrement off and repainted it entirely. Scratch built the radar and antenna masts, added lots of other details. Decals are Woodland Scenics dry transfers. Waterline decals are 1/200 scale unknown Chinese manufacturer. EZ line rigging and homemade flags.
The model is over four feet long!
Since my family is native to Michigan we have a keen interest in the Great Lakes. My beautiful wife’s grandfather, Dennis White, was a helmsman on the Wilfred Sykes.
He was sailing the lakes on November 10, 1975 during the same storm that claimed the Fitzgerald. The Wilfred Sykes participated in the search effort the following days. We are fortunate enough to have his personal journals. Here’s what he wrote about that fateful period:
The reference to T.B. is Thunder Bay
Thank you for following along this far. I’ll leave you with a link to the famous Gordon Lightfoot song ( The wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald)
https://pandora.app.link/OfSPG7QabxbThanks for looking in!