I've got the SPAD VII and I'm impressed with the number of options on the sprues. There seem to be parts for versions of the VII that were not covered by kit releases
If the XIII is similar, that's very encouraging
The XIII offers louvered and open (or screened, if the modeler can find appropriately sized mesh) engine side panel options and two different props. The VII had 5 types of engine panels, 4 props, and 3 cowling fronts, but Roden had the habit of physically cutting out all the options not used on that particular boxing (604/605/617) and consigning the bits back into the molten styrene pot! I read somewhere that this was a cost-saving measure, but it’s most disconcerting if you’re trying to trade/resell one, as it’s difficult to convince the other party that the kit’s complete when the parts layout page doesn’t address the missing parts!