That's true, Gene. I am trying to do butt joints just because that's the way the kit was designed and I'm trying to make it look as nice as I can. The individual sections of fuselage skin have connecting strips, just no strips between skin/former sub units.
I got the front done! I figured out the directions a bit and realized that the engine area has doubled-up formers with wood effect because you will be able to see inside the engine bay. Once I figured that out, things went well. Lots of careful sanding and fitting, fitting, fitting.
I also installed one delicate former sandwiched together and glued it "proud" on the end so protruding lip acted as a ledge for the adjoining piece rather than putting formers in each tube. The front formers are also very delicate and thin so I left them whole until I got the skins on. Then I daisy-chain drilled holes and separated the cut outs.
Lastly...and most importantly...the weird (to me) angular ears worked great once dimwit realized that you needed to pre-fold the skins and actually fit them around those sharp edges. Then, things fit like a puzzle. Needs some burnishing and touch-up but pretty nice.
Next will be trying to figure out the cockpit area which is still a bit odd to me. Just keep forging ahead!
Thanks for looking...Dan