Bertl, no need to be sorry. Your interest in my build and kind words are very much appreciated.
Getting to your questions:
1 Which glue did you use to glue the resin parts?
2 Which green did you use?
3 Will the wing bend downwards over time due to the resin material?
1. I am using CA glue in two incarnations, liquid and gel, the latter gives a bit of time before setting to allow for quick correction of parts alignment. The former - serves as a filler simultaneously. I am using the brand available in Poland - Kropelka (a drop) but I am sure any make available in Germany will do the job, too.
2. I have custom mixed two Vallejo colours, a green and a grey, I do not remember now exactly which ones they were. As the colour pattern I used the authentic paint from the great range by Bilmodel - they are great, both in hue and in the mechanical quality and sprayability (ready to use in the airbrush) but unfortunately not for me as they are not acrylics. Bilmodel has a ready to use set of 6 colours for Polish Naval aircraft, you may wish to get it - 3 or 4 of them will be useful for Lublin. Actually, I have the set, in the unused state, and I will surely never use them - if you are interested I will gladly sell it to you for a reasonable price.
3. The wing is a solid piece of resin reinforced with a massive steel wire insert. IMHO there is no risk of sagging in Lukgraph models - also all the struts are solidly reinforced. Unfortunately, the massive wing is very heavy and the model may have problems with surviving transport, I doubt I will ever take it to any model contest, even when Covid nightmare is behind us.