Modelers Lounge > The Nostalgia Board

Back to the glory days of the hobby

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This is one of my favorites as it was the first WW1 aircraft I ever built. My older brother had bought the kit but later decided it didn't want to fool with it and passed it on to me.  :) All the older Aurora kits are my favorites as they were readily available at the hobby shops as well as the 5 & 10 cent stores and drug stores which also sold models in the 60's and 70's. Considered rather crude by today's standards, for a young kit they were perfectly acceptable. No reference was needed...just a tube of glue and several bottles of appropriate color paint (black, silver & tan) and you were good to go.  I never painted the wings or fuselage as the carefully followed the instructions never indicate to do so. You could finish them in one day and have them ready for combat the next. Zooming around the room with the help of an extended arm grasped around the fuselage behind the cockpit would do the trick assisted by the sound of the rat-tat-tat of blazing machine gun fire. When they received damage beyond repair, they would go down in flames assisted by some lighter fluid and matches in the yard.  ::) Oh what simpler times they were.

Love it!! From that point onI never could spell Albatros uuuh tross uuuh trosses?


Even worse with the plural, Steve... Albatrosses?? Albatrii?? I have seen both in print! But Thank You all for the memories. so great to go back to innocent times! I do remember my Dad taking me to a model shop and offering to buy me a 1/28th Spad and me flatly refusing as it appeared far too complicated for me! I regret it still! Regards, Marc

I remember from my early years the Airfix Re.8 was a big favourite along with the Albatros D.v. I don't know if my aged eyesight allows a decent 1/72nd build now, but I'm tempted to tackle one of the relics I'm still preserving at home in their blisters.

Rip Van Winkle:
I started with Revell 1/72. I still believe that their first six aircraft were the best.  Fokker D.VII, Albatros D.III, Sopwith Camel, SE5A, Nieuport 17 and SPAD XIII. The latter six introduced in about 1966 seemed to have quite a few errors. Still they were good for the time. I also had the Airfix kits some of which were sold under the MPC label. I still have some of these kits in my stash. I recently finished a Revell Fokker D.VII and Albatros D.III. I am currently working on a Revell Sopwith Triplane along side the new Kovozavody Prostejov  Sopwith Triplane.


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