Gregory, email me (note new address)
[email protected]I have indeed trialled both P/E and printed stitching decals - improving on HGW's raised printed versions with more scale representations but my insistence on exactness led to them abandoning the project, then I hear that another Eastern European manufacturer is working on something similar...surprise, surprise.
These were developed to give some finesse to the otherwise good Roden kits and the trial sheets I have of the printed versions, though not the finished article, do give the impression of tapes and stitching though overpainting and /or linen decal application lessen the effect - which is why the "exaggerated" p/e versions could work better..
They have been used here before - a Roden SSW DIII build a few years ago illustrated them and a recent DR.I build by James Hatch, featured in a magazine was s poorly photographed the effect wasn't even visible. I got zilch feedback and lost heart in the project. Anyone wishing to try them - for a minimal cost - email me.
best wishes, Richard