Author Topic: Wingnuts Interview  (Read 7678 times)

Offline Gisbod

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2017, 02:40:10 AM »
That is crazy for a plastic kit - no matter how great it is


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Offline Juan

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #31 on: April 02, 2017, 02:48:39 AM »
Wow Steve, that is crazy....  :o   Anybody stepping up in Canada to carry WNWs yet?   Probably would help all those great modelers up north.  Here's hoping things get sorted out for our neighbors to the north.

Offline pepperman42

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2017, 05:42:09 AM »
I would be very interested in that.


Offline mike in calif

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2017, 12:33:17 AM »
I hope that works out for you guys. When WNW started, I knew nothing of them, and purchased a couple of kits figuring if they went belly-up, at least I'd have a couple of unusual WWI types. Over the years I've acquired enough that if I cannot get another, I've plenty to build, trade, or sell off. The complete shambles that is WNW kit distribution is a little disheartening, as there is a solid core market for their kits. I've got Sprue Bros. and Lots of Models to choose from here, but the cross border exchange rates are a killer. So, hopefully, someone up north will pick up their kits.

Offline Isitwindyyet

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #34 on: April 05, 2017, 02:28:04 AM »
Sir Peter and Associates have their own agenda (where would a Roland Walfisch have ranked on ANY modeler's Wish List??) which is (with minor exception) immutable and known only to them.. . I get a real yuk from those who seem to expect that WnW must per force move to "Golden Age"aircraft once they're  done with WWI (FTFO!)

As it so happened, the Roland Walfisch was at the top of my WNW wish list for years so I for one was quite delighted when it was announced.  An example of both versions now rest comfortably in my WNW stash.   :)


Yes I've got 3 kits of the Walfish, one to convert to the prototype, one for the early linen coloured version & one for the early pale blue version.

Errr..... then there's a kit of the late version - make that 4 then  ::)


I too have a Walfish, and I recently finished it.  I will say that I would have never purchased a "unique" kit on my own.  But it came from back in the day, when WNW was lower priced, the Canadian dollar was at par, and the shipping was free.  My wife would go on-line 3 times a year, my birthday, Christmas, and Father's Day, and order me a kit.  She would check my WNW stash and order me something I didn't have, so that I how I ended up with my "odd-ball" kits, because these are kits I would never buy.

Now that times have changed for the worst with WNW in Canada, she doesn't order me kits anymore, and my supply of "odd-balls" have dried up.  So now I am only ordering the kits I really want, which are single seat fighters, as it is a major expense and  inconvenience to get WNW kits.  So my personal tastes are unlikely to reshape WNW product releases, but bring on the DR. 1, Nieuports, and albs.

I've already purchased all my Camels from lots of models, and have them shipped to USA based postal handling company, and then I drive over the boarder and pick them up myself.  Lucky to live near a boarder crossing, but the current exchange rate makes this a less an expensive option too.  While most of these factors are well out of hands of WNW, it will affect their bottom line to a small degree because I am now way more selective about the kits I'll buy. 

Offline zavod44

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #35 on: April 12, 2017, 03:52:01 AM »
It is not the obsession with the Dr.1 so much as the possibility of getting a DETAILED, accurate large scale F.1. Specifically F103/17. I would immediately buy at least one Dr.1/F.1 Wingnut Wings kit. Say what you will about Richthofen and the "tired" all red triplane, he was the most important and significant aviator of WWI and I would certainly build one of his Dr.1s. However, to my mind, Werner Voss's September evening fight with 56 Squadron proves he was the most skilled, daring and fearless dog fighter of any war aviator. Period. His F103/17 deserves to be modeled by Wingnut Wings and I sincerely encourage them to do so.


Offline zavod44

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Re: Wingnuts Interview
« Reply #36 on: April 12, 2017, 03:56:03 AM »
I would also add I don't think there is a more immediately identifiable Aircraft than the Fokker Triplane.  To me it may be the most iconic image of the first world war.  I still to this day see kids kites emblazoned with the Red Triplane 100 years on...., lots of people will know the triplane immediately, not as many will know the difference between a spad and a camel, let alone anything beyond that....not poepl in the hobby, just people in two cents..