Author Topic: Ordering  (Read 14415 times)

Offline pepperman42

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #15 on: June 02, 2012, 02:39:08 PM »
I just want to get TO order!!! No prob...


Offline rowan broadbent

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #16 on: June 09, 2012, 08:10:24 AM »
Oh Crikey :-[.......... Thanks for the interest and for the super words of support  :-[

Ever so sorry for the lack of response everyone - please forgive us - Sabine's just had a small operation (well on the way to recovery, I might add!) and I'm an appalling nurse/housekeeper etc... \plus we've had internet connection problems - twice.... the first one was corroded cables in an outside junction box and the latest was un saboteur souris Francais eating through the cable in the house! I fixed the cable and the two cats have fixed the mouse......... one or two choice morsels were left for me at the bottom of the stairs in the morning - wakes you up a treat, that does, especially if you haven't put your shoes on and aren't looking where you're putting your feet - UGH!

Thanks Des for setting up this little stall for us and I'm really sorry that I haven't got any sort of catalogue up yet. That will come very soon - promise.

Pepperman 42 - sorry I don't know your "proper" name. Can you drop us an email:

[email protected]

and we'll get a list off to you and I'll happily answer any questions you may have.

I have not been idle on the new product front, you'll be pleased to hear; the first Jasta 18 booklet (for Berthold's Boys) is done and printing and the second one for Raben's Ravens will be done very soon, so the decals will be going out in the next couple of weeks for pre-orders. I have also been feverishly working on our biggest project to date - lots of news on that soon.  Also (as it seems to be all the rage!!) there will be lozenge in 48th and 72nd - bolts plus new cookie-cuts, five colour first and four colour later and bolts in 32nd.

I'm absolutely forbidden from giving any timescales at the moment - Sabine is being very strict with me.... oh what fun!!
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There is a crack, a crack in everything – that’s how the light gets in

Leonard Cohen

Offline pepperman42

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #17 on: June 09, 2012, 12:33:49 PM »
Hurray for tim......etc


Offline phs Paddy

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #18 on: June 09, 2012, 09:04:46 PM »
Oh Crikey :-[..........

There must be a story there.  ;D Would love to know from whence it comes.  ??? Please excuse this colony bloke Rowan
for his ignorance.  :)

Great to hear that supprises are in the works.

All the best,

In mathematics you don't understand things, you just get use to them. Johann von Neumann 1903-1957

Offline lcarroll

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2012, 01:08:48 AM »
   Welcome back and sincerely hope all is now well with you both. Looking forward to your Catalogue and the new releases.
Lance :) :)

Offline Lyle

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #20 on: June 14, 2012, 04:09:14 AM »
Glad to hear things are sorting out, and that Sabine is feeling better--
Delighted also to hear of so many irons in the fire!  But a relaxed time schedule is important for one's good health, right?  :)
Best, Lyle

Offline Trackpad

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Re: Ordering
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2012, 11:45:32 AM »
Hi, Rowan,

Best of luck with all that's going on. You know that you have a pretty strong support base here and elsewhere, so it's family time for now, and we'll deal with business when the ship is righted!

"I'm absolutely forbidden from giving any timescales at the moment - Sabine is being very strict with me.... oh what fun!!" Reminds me of a bumper sticker I saw a while ago: "I am the man of the house...and I have my wife's permission to say so!"

Best wishes to Sabine for a speedy recovery!  :)  :)

"It was an adventure, a great adventure. And, like all great adventures, we never knew where it would lead or how it would end."