It will be built eventually . . . but was hoping to avoid having to scratch build the missing parts.
The problem is I think only 19 of these models were produced. I know of one that was made by Filip [xmald] who posted up an impressive build of it. But, as to other 17 owners besides me . . no clue who they are, where they are, or if they have already built the model which would preclude getting anything from useful them.
I already contacted Barry [Berman] on this site, who has the original master. Further, in message to Edgar (Copper State Models), he indicated that that Barry's master wasn't entirely used to make molds and castings. Instead a new master was made, at least partially, by Kajetan of before he passed away. Edgar indicated he doesn't have the masters made by I believe, Melius.Manu shut down when Kajetan passed away a few years back. So, that is sort of where the trail has ended for me with the original sources.
So, my posting was a "Hail Mary" request at best and maybe if I bump this post a few times this year it will catch someone's attention who has the model and is willing to help.
My gut tells me that if another 1/48 scale model of the Handley-Page O/400 ever surfaces, it will likely be a 3d Printed model, maybe by someone like Łukaszu Sznajder of LukGraph, BTW, I am eagerly awaiting opportunity to pre-order his 1/48 Caproni Ca.3 possibly later this month.