Thanks! That idea of the photogravure tool sounds great….must look into it more closely. Regarding the stretched sprue rigging, it indeed has many good points modellingwise. The only bad bit is that it breaks easily and does not bring along any real sturdiness to the model. I usually do the more exposed, long wires by using elastan/nylon (actually i have got (a donation from the SWMBO
a pair of disgarded black stockings/tights! If you pull some threads out of them, they are very good for the purpose. You can make them as thin as you like. The only special thing is that you have to firstly make the attachement point by hardening the end of thread with superglue. Otherwise it becomes just a bunch of curly threads. When cured, I pull it tight and glue the other end to where it should go.
This albatros has no really exposed, long rigging wires, so this one is just sprue all over.
I will add proper photos of this Albatros to the Completed Models section a bit later, when the light outside is better.
Thanks to all, who took the time to follow this thread. I hope there’s some (old and) new ideas to try with future projects. Scratchbuilding is extremely satisfying, if it goes well….and even if it doesn’t, it is a good learning experience every time.
Here’s to Dave! …. i am sure he’s enjoying the modelling on the Other Side!
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