Now i decided to take care of the wheels. I could have taken some spares from Roden or Eduard models, but they are generally for fighter types and a bit too small and light for a heavy 2-seater. And now I can show you my technique, which looks perhaps a bit crude, but in my opinion works rather nicely.
At first, I cut two discs, a bit oversized, from a 0,5 mm plasticard. I use a heavy duty compass tool, that is sharp enough to scrape the plastic easily. I work from both sides, so the discs come off easily.
F2B10F68-AFB7-456A-B79F-6F2454815913 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Actually, I later had to note that I should have cut them a bit larger, but here they are.
87A85AEB-BBA5-4F20-A6E4-6F26E7CAED18 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Then i took 0,7 mm plasticard and i made two holes. This will be the outer half of the tyre. I used 0,5 mm for another pair…these will be the inner half of the wheels.
E1BAEB90-7B5F-4691-8A6F-45D9E4AAEE96 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
I have several different tools for modifying those holes. I use a electrical hand drill for the work. Different shapes for different things, that ball-shaped is important for getting the inner sides of the tyreplates curved in the right way.
9BD84CC4-4419-4F9A-99AE-BA324B36E5CD by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
This is a special one. I have a nice piece of plastic, originating as the seal for a car motor oil can. It has the right shape for the outer wheel centre. I have glued it to a piece of wood.
7BD55E37-518D-44F2-906D-5E8F6AD2C557 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
I use it as a mould for heat forming the canvas covers for the wheels. I use 0,25 mm plasticard and a candle.
883B7CE7-7636-472A-9FDF-F1741EAE56E8 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Ok, here are the parts; they all will be glued together with superglue.
3AFDC913-36DF-496F-B645-D9485F1A42CE by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
I started with gluing the heat formed canvas covers (after a little sanding) to the centre plates.
DB7BCAE0-6903-4921-8700-A5B561F5F6E6 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Then the tyre plates to each side.
F1D7F765-B283-4A79-B79A-DEA636F3DB78 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Here they are, cut near the final shape and then some sealing with liquid cement.
051BCC6A-0AF5-413B-B37D-F9988DC943BF by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
When properly cured, here’ the other sanded to shape and size, the other still waiting.
FCCD8FC2-B560-4889-AFE9-1C3727926225 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Then i use the electric hand drill as a lathe. I use wet sanding paper for the finalizing the shape etc.
6F050AAE-DB72-487D-9F09-7058248C0F05 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Here they are with base paint. There’s also another pair (for Albatross J.I) unpainted…you can see that there will be a little puttywork needed for the rim. After that a little more sanding in a lathe and they’re ready
817D6ACE-A53A-41A2-BEB5-65BDC65D7E52 by
Amiga Hassel, on Flickr
Cheers, Skyhhok