Many thanks for your encouraging comments, dear forumites!

I have been working on the drawings for the interior details and engine, I hope to have them finished by the end of this week.
Since the fuselage of the Albatros has no perpendicular points I made this jig to make transfering of e. g. lower wing joint points or scribing lines easier. It is mean to be reusable, so during later builds I just swap the 1,0 mm inlay with the corresponding drawing and cutout for the fuselage. Will see how it will work.

While I was in the MacGyver mode already, I also built this improvised minilathe using my Micromote and other bits I found on my workbench.

I do not need it necessarily for the Albatros, but for the other part of the upcoming dual build, which will be Werner Voss's Fokker F.I. I experimented on turning the mould for the cowling and probably will switch to wood or acrylic Will keep you updated.
