Author Topic: windsock camel squadrons  (Read 2894 times)

Offline phil2015

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windsock camel squadrons
« on: October 28, 2022, 04:25:39 AM »
I'm about to stock up on some windsock books and am wondering about the book on camel squadrons.  I already have Les Rogers book on British Aviation squadron markings of WW1.  Does anyone have both already and is there a lot of overlap or will i find a lot of new material in the camel squadrons book?  I'm rather more interested in photos than profiles but any info on either would be welcome.  Thanks!

Offline phil2015

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Re: windsock camel squadrons
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2023, 04:45:10 AM »

Not receiving any feedback here, I went ahead and bought it.

There is a lot of duplication of photos, which is not a surprise.  There are a couple of squadrons where there are more in the windsock book, but not many.  In the windsock book, there are a lot of profiles which I always welcome.

Am I glad I bought it?  If someone is picking between it vs the British Aviation squadrons book, I would probably recommend the latter, just because the latter covers a lot of other squadrons and has some more elaborated text about markings in different timeframes.  But if someone is just interested in camels, this is *very* nice.  I'm not unhappy that I bought it and I'm sure I will get a lot out of the profiles.