Author Topic: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk  (Read 9634 times)

Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2020, 05:57:19 AM »
Thanks for the kind words Rick and Monty. The decals were a nightmare. The originals took 2 weeks in the sun on my dashboard and a heavy coat of Decal film. Darn things curl up. Takes repeated applications of Micro Sol and then need sticking down with Pledge after they have softened. Eventually after much jiggery pokery they stay down. The afternarket decals I bought are ink jet printed on white paper and have to be precisely cut out. Their instructions say they flat won't stay put unless you set them with dilute white glue. That did work well to the printer's credit. I messed up cutting the diamond shaped cowl ring decal and had to use the original. All those small radii compound curves and there are still bits of corners not stuck down. A little surgery, a little lite sanding and some touchup paint will improve it some.

So the aftermarket decal guy sent 2 sets of Gulfhawk decals. I'm sure not building another so if anyone has a Gulfhawk and could use some decals sing out and they are yours.

Btw, I had forgotten until I saw a photo the other day, there was another Cat turned Hawk. There was an F-8F Bearcat done up as a Gulfhawk also associated with Al Williams.
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Offline gbrivio

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #16 on: May 06, 2020, 06:06:01 AM »
Nice subject and a demanding kit, it looks you are doing an excellent restoration work. There is one of these in my parent's house, built by my father, I think back in the '70s.
Bare plastic orange and twine riggings, still an "old object" charm.

Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #17 on: May 06, 2020, 06:29:48 AM »
Demanding kit is an apt description. This one has fought every step of the way. It is currently sitting and I am currently pouting as it spit out 2 rigging attachments on me. I will get over it and finish the model in due course.
There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.

Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2020, 11:47:07 AM »
The Gulfhawk is finished. I ran afoul of this kit and it's retractable gear at age 8. Fifty nine and a half years later, I finished the model.

BTW, I have decals as the aftermarket ones came double, so if you have the kit and need decals you are welcome to them. LMK
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Offline jeroen_R90S

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #19 on: May 13, 2020, 08:25:22 PM »
Very nice, the first completion of this GB as well :)
There is only one thing wrong: only one picture?? ;-)


Offline Monty

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #20 on: May 18, 2020, 01:55:11 AM »
Ooh, that looks quite beautiful and colourful! A great result! More pictures please! Marc.

Offline rhallinger

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #21 on: May 18, 2020, 03:36:27 AM »
Gorgeous model sp!  Very nicely done.  Good save off the inactive roster. ;D



Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #22 on: May 18, 2020, 03:16:44 PM »
Thanks for all the kind words y'all.

I'm not too happy with this one. The decals, both the kit and some AM product, were lousy and my application of them did them no favors. There are seams that wouldn't go away and that dang retractable gear keeps popping one joint loose if you look at it hard. Frankly I didn't think it worth more than one photo. OTOH, I learned a lot about rigging 1/32 and that was a help when I did my Pup. Some day I will master double flying wires. It is out of the Stash, off the bench and tucked away in the display case.

There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.

Offline lcarroll

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #23 on: May 19, 2020, 06:54:09 AM »
     Like all of us here you are far too harsh a critic of your own work, I think it's a great model! I just now went through the contents of my Navy Fighter version of the Kit, and it's pretty rough ......... hard brittle plastic, heavy details and the list goes on. Initial release date 58 years ago! You've done a great job on her, lovely paint, unique subject, no real apparent flaws ............ What's not to like??
    Nicely done.

Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #24 on: May 19, 2020, 07:11:15 AM »
Thanks for the kind words. It was the hard plastic and terrible decals that got me. One of these days I will pick up some shades of blue paint at Walmart and try to mix a match. Then I can sand those crinkles and touch up so it doesn't look quite so egregious.

There is an AM decal outfit that specializes in markings for between the wars planes. Yellow Wings something. You will be miles ahead if you have fresh new decals for it. And look out for the molded on rigging fittings. Don't be tempted to  use them, some are near impossible to loop mono line around. Loose 'em, fill'em and use what you normally would to anchor. Be prepared for the hard plastic to eat more drill bits than usual.
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Offline lcarroll

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #25 on: May 19, 2020, 07:31:54 AM »
Thanks for the heads up. I have the "Yellow Wings" decal set already, great products BTW, I've used them on two previous models. I'll take another peek in the box to check out the rigging fittings.

Offline RAGIII

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #26 on: June 29, 2020, 07:31:15 AM »
Sorry to have been delinquent in commenting. Too Many SPADS and not doing any work on My Corona Virus works kept Me away  :( Your Grumman is Superb in My View! Lovely aircraft and Terrific Model!
"A man has to know his limitations": Harry Callahan

"Don't slop it on" Lynda Geisler

Offline smperry

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Re: CV Build Monogram Grumman Glufhawk
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2020, 08:10:34 AM »
Thanks for the kind words Rick.
It needs some touch up work especially om the cowl decals which I will get around to in due time. This model has irritated me for nigh on 60 years since I messed up the one I had as a kid. I finally got to turn the prop and see the gear retract and turn it the other way and see them extend......once. I put it on the shelf after that, afraid I would break it if I kept playing with it. I will however, admit to some aerobatics and engine sounds while the gear was up :-)
There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.