Author Topic: Another Berg in paper card  (Read 7750 times)

Offline smperry

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #30 on: September 05, 2020, 07:12:37 AM »
Ace Hardware has more O rings than you can shake a stick at, Dummy here just took the full size wheel disc instead of the wheel cover disc to match up.

Does anyone know a source of aftermarket 1/32 Camel wheels? I need to replace the ones I robbed from the Hobbycraft kit, which were nice BTW.

There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.

Offline smperry

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #31 on: September 06, 2020, 09:32:48 AM »
It's wing mounting time.

Each strut has a 0.3 mm brass rod core that protrudes 1/32" or so from each end. Matt77 has marked the strut locations on the wings and fuselage. I poked a straight pin through at each location. After dry fitting the mainplanes into their holes in the top of the lower wing, I removed each one and dipped the pin in some Tacky Glue and inserted the struts back in their holes. I used the drawings in the Datafile to approximate the angles of the struts and then gave them an hour or so to set up.

The Tacky Glue holds well, but it is flexible enough to allow the struts to be wiggled quite a bit in order to insert their wire pins in the holes. Way more wiggle than you can get away with even for resin struts. As St. Harry said, "Know the properties of your materials."

The Pics below are with the wing just sitting atop the struts. There is much fit and fiddle yet to be done before any more glue finalizes the matter.

There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.

Offline NinetythirdLiberator

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #32 on: September 06, 2020, 10:27:12 AM »
Looking really good, SP!

Offline rhallinger

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #33 on: September 06, 2020, 11:09:47 AM »
Lovely sp!  Almost there.  Looks really nice! ;D



Offline RAGIII

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #34 on: September 07, 2020, 04:22:19 AM »
You have become a Paper cutting, bending, and gluing Machine SP! Looks Lovely.
"A man has to know his limitations": Harry Callahan

"Don't slop it on" Lynda Geisler

Offline gomidefilho

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #35 on: September 07, 2020, 07:04:05 AM »
Very impressive work! Marco textures make a difference with a competent builder. Well done!

Offline smperry

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Re: Another Berg in paper card
« Reply #36 on: September 09, 2020, 10:13:52 AM »
Thanks for your kind words. Marco really hit it out of the park on this repaint. I thoroughly enjoyed building it. It is all assembled and needs only to be rigged. And for no reason I can name, my lower back went out. Sitting hurts and bending really hurts. I just can't do any work at the desk or bench. I put the unrigged model in the display case to protect it until my back decides what it wants to do.

Y'all keep modeling on and posting the progress. The back can't keep me from looking.
There is something fundamentally amiss with a society which forces it's modelers to work for a living.