Author Topic: Felixstowe scene figure question  (Read 2618 times)

Offline Bluesfan

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Felixstowe scene figure question
« on: March 17, 2017, 02:06:32 AM »
Hi I don't know if anyone is aware of the kind of source for figures I'm looking for, but here goes.
I've been sitting on a WNW Felixstowe (early) for a while (not literally), and will be for a while longer, but I am planning a vignette, if that's the right word for something so big.

I need figures, and while I've picked up some nice RNAS officer figures from the likes of Kellerkind and Elan and Copper State, they are all of officers, and I'd really like to find some ordinary Naval ratings to make the scene more realistic. Ideally, including one or two in 'rowing a boat' poses. Before you say it, I already realise I'll have to do some butchery to get what I want. Anyway, 1:32 or 54mm scale ratings are really hard to find; I'm hoping that it's a case of my simply not having looked hard enough!? I was surprised to find that Tommy's War still haven't done more than the 1914 Antwerp figure, which isn't really suited for this vignette. However, the saving grace is that, especially when it comes to working clothes, some WWII figures might be okay for use.

So, I found these sites (sorry about the messy addresses):
You'll see straightaway that they seem promising at first, but eg. the Panzers vs Tanks site doesn't actually have anything in 1:32

You know the biggest frustration? I came across the Gunthwaite site again , and was bowled over by what's available there, lots of variety and nicely sculpted, many of the figure sets perfect... for the Roden Felixstowes. That's right, it's all 1:72. I'll certainly be spending money with them, but it won't assist the population of a WNW Felixstowe scene. Unless I want to suggest that the F.2A was even bigger than it actually was :)
By the way, Gunthwaite have started to produce RFC/RAF figures as well, quite nice ones.

So, please post here if you do know of another source of decent quality 1:32 RN sailors. There is the alternative of taking the view that it's later in 1918 when there were a fair number of RAF personnel around at the F.2A bases, and simply using some of Copper State's upcoming figures, but I'd really prefer having some ratings around.

Offline JimF

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Re: Felixstowe scene figure question
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2018, 04:31:32 AM »
I know this is a old post, but I wrote to Luis (HOLDEN8702), owner/creator of all the items in the Panzer-vs-Tanks shapeway shop, regarding RFC/RNAS ground crew figures, similar to his German WWI sets.

He relied that he is busy with corrent projects, but does plan to some some, perhaps after the 1st of the year. He told me to contact him again, then. If/when they are done, they will be available in 1/48 and 1/32, as is most od his other figure sets.

Just a FWIW.

Jim F

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Re: Felixstowe scene figure question
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2018, 09:12:02 AM »
Many thanks, good to hear, I'll keep an eye out for that :)
