WW1 Aircraft Modeling => What's New => Topic started by: Dave W on March 19, 2020, 09:14:01 AM

Title: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Dave W on March 19, 2020, 09:14:01 AM
The global coronavirus pandemic has plunged the world into wartime-like personal restrictions as our various governments and health bodies struggle to contain the worst outbreak of a killer virus since the end of World War 1.

Although this Forum is a hobby group, we are also a global community and now more than ever we need to be supporting one another in any way we can to help us all through the coronavirus plague.

If you are in self quarantine, now more than ever is the time to make a model! If you are in modelling mode please share with other forum members what you are making. Let's make this a global group build type thing!

While we are about it, many hobby businesses are suffering from the shutdowns and economic fallout. Now's the time to support our businesses and hobby shops with some on line orders. You can't catch coronavirus from a mail order purchase!

Let's use the Forum to re-energise our love of WW1 modelling and especially emphasise how our global community can support one another.

So what's on everyone's coronavirus-free workbench today? I have a Wingnuts Albatros D.V now started but other kits are also calling so some parallel builds loom!

Dave Wilson
Gold Coast

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: smperry on March 19, 2020, 10:45:59 AM
Since you asked, There is a Big, Ugly and very off topic 1:72 scale flying blowtorch on my bench right now. Building it for a buddy who has a big turbine powered model of the same machine in the same pilot's markings. Only the fourth plastic model of a kero burner I have made in the last 25 years. (I promise to build fewer of them in the future) I should probably be made to scratch build a Nalgo Quadraplane as penance. It is the first start to finish kit I have built in about 10 yrs so in addition to being a gift for a friend it is kind of a mojo-getter-backer. Now that the 3 color camo is gloss coated and ready for decals I'm sort of enjoying it, too  bad Italeri forgot to include a top wing and rigging guide.

The virus has not greatly impacted us here on Florida's Nature Coast. However that has not kept me from using it as an excuse to socially distance myself at the modeling bench. Hopefully our less dense population and following the guidelines will keep it that way.

Y'all stay safe and get some good modeling time in.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: lcarroll on March 19, 2020, 11:45:38 AM
     So here's a SITREP from your Global Moderator in the Canadian Great White North.  Like many of my advanced age I am in voluntary isolation in "an abundance of caution" as our Prime Minister terms it. My profile as a person with a heart/respiratory condition further places me firmly at the absolute top of the risk scale for this particular Pandemic, thus I'm in "Hermit" mode. To top it all my Good Wife just returned to Canada yesterday from an overseas vacation (which I strongly advised against) and is in 14 day isolation at my daughters place some 400 miles from here to eliminate any further risk to yours truly. That's the down side of this tale.
     On the upside here's my reality:
   I have a Build on the Bench that I can toy with for several hours per day;
   I have a stash that will get me through fully a dozen at least "half lives" of any viral pandemic including this one;
   I have a freezer and pantry sufficient for at least the next month;
   I have enough beer for an equal period and a helpful neighbor who has committed to do replenishment runs for food and beverage should it be required; and
   My sole responsibility other then myself is my canine companion whose company I cherish.
          I'd say I'm in pretty reasonable circumstances overall. So I think I'll lean into this Halberstadt a little harder, and maybe compose that order for some after market stuff as Dave suggests. I'd love to hear how others are coping with this chaos. Not to make small of our shared circumstances but I have a feeling it could be worse and yes, we will make it through these troubled times!
Stay healthy and safe,
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: bobs_buckles on March 19, 2020, 05:58:16 PM
Stay safe my friends!

Let us all UNITE!

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: RLWP on March 19, 2020, 06:09:10 PM
Stay safe my friends!

Let us all UNITE!


My shoes have just fallen off


Oh - hang on.. unite
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Dave Brewer on March 19, 2020, 06:13:28 PM
On the NSW Central Coast the unnecessary panic buying has been a nuisance,but I work alone outside so the social distancing is not an issue.Unfortunately my wife's handmade business operates at various markets which have nearly all been put on hiatus;I doubt many people would attend in any case.Picked the wrong time to buy a van to expand her business,not to mention to put her car on the market.Also looks like I need another surgery to remove some tumours soon but my surgeon wants to wait a few months,fine with me,not a good time to be in hospital if it can be avoided.I applaud Dave's sentiments about supporting the hobby,but I better sell some stuff before I do in the interest of marital harmony.My workbench is a disgrace at the moment,a half-rigged WNW RE8,a pair of Ansaldo SVA5s ready for final assembly and rigging,2 RAAF Bostons painted underneath only,and a 1/32 resin HB W-20 stalled while I figure out how to fabricate the engine mounts.It was worse this time last year though.I nearly forgot,I have a CA Supermarine Attacker ready for paint but missing the canopy,I think one of my cats must have run off with it.I'll have to get someone to make a mould from my Trumpeter one and vacform a few spares for me.
Best wishes to all our community,
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: PrzemoL on March 19, 2020, 06:56:34 PM
Great idea, Dave, we should indeed keep together in this hard time.

Here in Poland we closed shop galleries, schools, borders, public places, etc. All that was introduced gradually starting on Wednesday 12th. We generally do our work at home, which is feasible in the case of university job, as mine, but not all can do this. Teachers send the learning material exercises to their students, my 14 year old son is busy everyday with homework. We only leave to buy vital goods, luckily the shops and farmacies are still open and with continuous supply.
Anyway, the streets are as empty as never, people avoid each other (generally) keeping the distance of 1.5m apart, even when queueing at shops.
Indeed, it makes a lot of family time.
And also time for the modelling bench - I am at the final stages with Lukgraph Baby, as can be seen in the dedicated thread. And still not decided what will be next. Coming to the point of economy crisis looming, with possible impact on modelling industry, recently I have indeed supported our Polish grown modelling company IBG, buying their just released, the first ever injection model of an aircraft in 32nd designed and made in Poland. It is our iconic PZL P.11c! And it is a gem. I daresay, Peter Jackson's wizards would not do it better! And it is inevitably tempting me to take it to the bench. After all, we have been waiting for a kit like this for 40+ years...,ibg-32001-1-32-pzl-p-11c-polski-mysliwiec,3,33,36,48,16282.html#.XnMzcnJCdPY

Wish you all as good health as possible. Stay safe (at home)!

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: AndRoby67 on March 19, 2020, 07:53:33 PM
Good morning to all,
here in Italy all the state is Red Zone. I live in Lombardy, north of Italy and we have the worst situation, in fact the virus started to kills people from my region.
So, everything possible is closed around me, only food and medicine shops are open, same as Przemol described for Poland.
My modelling time is doubled, first because I live alone (no animals too) and second because my working time was cut about 60%. This will be the real future problem, I work from my house with a computer for all I can, but in next months (april and may for sure) my salary will be cut and I don't know what can I do. Our governement started some special supports for us workers closed in homes but it will be not sufficent to cover everything.
On the modelling side, I'm in "jets pause" from my beloved WWI period. I'm building an F-84F Thunderstreak in "Diavoli Rossi" (Red Devils) liveries from Italeri 1/72 kit with Tauro Model decals. Next will be a Macchi 326D, in Alitalia "driving school" liveries, from Supermodel 1/72 kit with homemade decals from my friend.
I always lived/loved my modelling time as one of my "happy island", and now more than before is true.
I have a stash that allow myself to build kits for 20 years in quarantine, the only problems is if I finish colors/glues/accessories, because I can order from internet but deliveries became almost impossible.
Big hug to all and stay safe at home!
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Jeff K on March 19, 2020, 08:23:23 PM
Thailand has few cases so far; just under 300.

my first project starts tomorrow when the Ikea truck rolls up: a 1:1 scale bench.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Borsos on March 19, 2020, 09:07:09 PM
Good morning to you all,

when I read what you are experiencing at the moment, I have to admit that I a a lucky one: As a teacher I am an employee of the government with special privileges, so I am at home — all schools are closed here in Bavaria and in all German states —, I send homework to my students via E-Mail and I am in no risk to loose my job nevertheless.
Things are different for my wife, who is right now doing her tests for becoming a teacher as well. She also is at home but in a state of total lack of knowledge how things would go on for her tests and her future career as a teacher. But however, we have quite an amount of family time, as our kids are at home as well (no school so no Kindergarten neither). My 18 years old daughter can’t pass her tests to finish school and doesn’t know if she can start her studies in Ireland in autumn — that annoys her quite much. But we all are safe and in good health, so there’s no actual reason to moan. My mother who also lives in our house, stays in her apartment and we don’t visit each other to minimize the risk of infection.
There is no curfew yet in Germany but restaurants, bars, swimming pools, cinemas and whatever you can imagine is made for spending your free time in a crowdy place are shut and you are advised not to leave your home unless you have to buy food or visit the doctor.
There is not as much modelling time as you might think, as we try to find digtial ways to teach our pupils (making videos and stuff like that), besides of that our kids of course seek our attention (especially our 3 years old son who can’t understand what’s going on and why he mustn’t see grandma). And there are many things on the house that need to be done and I try to use these days to do it.
At the moment there’s the 1910 bus on my bench, almost finished besides of weathering and a dio base, there’s also a bf-109 E that waits to be finished, a diorama project focussing in a horse drawn Hheresfeldwagen in 1916 and, at last, yesterday I started WNW‘s Sopwith Pup. But one of my eyes got caight by that Trumpeter SBD-3 Dauntless waiting in my overcrowded stash. Ah, yeah, and there’s that Mig-3 too, that glimpsed around the corner....

Strongly  supporting our modelling businesses I am waiting for the postman to bring me a Trumpeter Wildcat and some bits from yahu and Master Casters. And I couldn‘t pass a Pyro 1:32 1940 Ford to convert it into a staff car somehow, that I picked up at ebay. But all these things are only there to shorten the waiting time until the availability of the Copper State Models Nieuport 21 and the Minerva and Lancia armored cars...  :)

Best regards, stay well and safe!
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: gbrivio on March 20, 2020, 03:45:21 AM
Hello everybody, I'm also living in north Italy and trying to be isolated at my best. We cancelled a travel to Japan and sadly also my daugther's wedding bot no infected since now.
The actual countermeasures are expected to be in effect longer then announced as the desease is still spreading. I'm working on the unfinished LVG C.VI I started for the GB, along with several
other models abandoned on the bench for too long. I promise to post pictures soon. I wish all of us and our families health and good luck, hoping these bad times can be over quickly.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: oldalbie on March 20, 2020, 07:41:12 AM
Here in central California things are pretty strange.  As most of you are aware, our federal government response has been shambolic at best.  People here are following instructions as schools, etc. are closed due to the initiative of the state and local authorities.  However, most grocery stores have been picked clean by folks in panic mode mostly.  For me, I get out and walk daily, then work a bit on a WNW Albatros and Fokker DVII.  Both my kids work in the health industry, so they're good at keeping me informed.  Stay safe all of you, and let's not let this get us down.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Vickers on March 20, 2020, 07:41:32 PM
Wishing all of you well; especially those challenged by the rigors of unexpected isolation, preexisting health vulnerabilities, and potential loss of income. Discretion, courage, and resiliency will win the day.

I do nearly all of my provisioning in the first week of each month and even my cat has always had a stash. I've been living like a recluse for some years now, so my personal response to this latest outbreak has only resulted in a little bit more vigilance. My routine really hasn't changed at all. Mainly just checking the global COVID-19 tracker each morning and checking patterns in public panic since I have no intention of getting mixed up in a crowd of people fighting over commodities. I think many of them watch too much television.

I've been catching up on my reading and am about to start in on "America's First Eagles" which was a Christmas gift from my father who passed away in late January. I recently treated myself to a rather large order from Gaspatch- a couple dozen WWI machine guns, some more turnbuckles, and a few sets of Lichtenstein radar arrays for the WWII Dorniers. Oh, and a 1/28th CSM Clerget for Revell's big Camel and some lovely 1/32nd Aviattic lozenge decals. Still awaiting an opportunity to upgrade my air compressor, but it looks like I can finally do that in a week or so. I've mainly just been spending the time tidying up the stash, fondling plastic, and I also finished a major printing and labeling project to put profiles of my intended options on the sides of all of the model boxes.

As others have pointed out above and on other forums, we modelers may be among the best suited in our society to weather this sort of temporary crisis. If I'd had a crystal ball in January, I'd have replaced my air compressor sooner, but Lo! there's always something to do and fuss around with even when not actually building.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: RichieW on March 21, 2020, 03:29:59 AM
Wishing everybody the best of health and modelling, we're in for a rough ride but our hobby is one of the best when it comes to having to stay indoors.

Modelling wise this pandemic has halted all modelling this week due to my wife using my workspace to work from home. We have a desk arriving this evening for her so I should be set up again soon.

My Sopwith Camel (first ever biplane) will be getting many hours of work in the coming weeks and I have a big enough stash to keep me going for a year or two. I have 2 Roden SE5As on order and am contemplating starting the Revell 1/48 kit while I contemplate how to rig the Camel.

Keep modelling, stay well.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: drdave on March 21, 2020, 08:30:51 PM
I’m an Intensive Care Consultant.

Can’t see a lot of modelling getting done......sigh.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: bobs_buckles on March 21, 2020, 08:37:01 PM
I’m an Intensive Care Consultant.

Can’t see a lot of modelling getting done......sigh.

 I have the utmost respect for you and your medical colleagues during this trying time.
Our thoughts are with you.

Thank you.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: RLWP on March 21, 2020, 08:50:22 PM
I’m an Intensive Care Consultant.

Can’t see a lot of modelling getting done......sigh.

 I have the utmost respect for you and your medical colleagues during this trying time.
Our thoughts are with you.

Thank you.


I would like to echo this. My deepest respect and gratitude, Dave - stay safe

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: gbrivio on March 21, 2020, 09:10:16 PM
Following Bob and Richard: thank you and your collegues, Dave. Stay safe!
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Mike Norris (UK) on March 21, 2020, 09:19:22 PM
Same here - a big thanks to Dave and everyone else working so hard on our behalf.
The only sensible and dedicated humans around right now,

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: janh on March 21, 2020, 10:10:13 PM
I’m a pharmacist, so i run an “essential” business. In the Netherlands we are shutting down social life but try to keep our society alive with the objective to smear out the inevitable infections over a longer period to prevent emergency medical care being swamped. In my own business we are slowly increasing safety measures as the family doctors are preparing a situation of only providing care to emergency patients (also to keep essential care alive) i am exhausted at the end of a working day but so far so good i.e no infection symptoms to myself nor my competent and hardy staff. Modelling is on hold. We’ll see what the next few weeks will show as i am in a region with a lot of infections at the moment
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Borsos on March 21, 2020, 10:49:54 PM
I’m an Intensive Care Consultant.

Can’t see a lot of modelling getting done......sigh.

Like all the others said before: Thank you and your colleagues for the great job you do!
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Radarman on March 22, 2020, 03:09:12 AM
Hello everyone,
I normally work from home 3 days a week, designing RNAV (RNP) instrument approach procedures and other Performance Based Navigation stuff.
Now it's full time from home for the foreseeable future. The Seattle area is a bit crazy right now so it's to be expected. This will give me a bit more
time to transfer my photos from Photobucket to some other host and update old posts around the inter web.
                                                                                                                              Be safe and model on,
                                                                                                                              Kevin in Port Orchard

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Gisbod on March 22, 2020, 05:52:11 AM
Hi all,

I’ve got it! Had it a week, all the symptoms and weirdly, totally lost my sense of smell - just seen this is a new symptom. Not been nice and I still feel very tired, but I’m through the worst I think.

I have been modelling, and as a BA pilot I’m going to have a lot more time available! Half pay for the next couple of months too - lucky I've got a stash to work through!

I normally work from home 3 days a week, designing RNAV (RNP) instrument approach procedures and other Performance Based Navigation stuff.

I use your stuff Kevin. It works very well in practice!

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: lcarroll on March 22, 2020, 07:13:24 AM
   Continue to rest Guy, and a speedy recovery! It brings the reality of this much closer to home, very glad you seem to be "over the hump"!
Take good care.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Gisbod on March 22, 2020, 07:38:08 AM
Many thanks Lance!

Just need to shake this lassitude...

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: bobs_buckles on March 22, 2020, 07:49:58 AM
Many thanks Lance!

Just need to shake this lassitude...


+1 here.
Take good care, Guy.

All the best,
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: rolanddvi on March 22, 2020, 08:25:15 AM
Dave, As we say here in the US to our service men and women, THANK YOU AND ALL MEDICAL FOLKS FOR YOUR SERVICE during this time. Much appreciated and respected.

Guy, Hope you are at the end of the illness. Get some rest and continue to be as safe as possible.

And to everyone, be safe and be smart!

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Borsos on March 22, 2020, 08:41:39 AM
Guy, a quick and easy recovery also from my side.
All the best,
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Dave Brewer on March 22, 2020, 08:54:31 AM
I'm also glad to hear you're over the worst Guy,best wishes for a quick recovery,
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: RLWP on March 22, 2020, 09:19:07 AM
Hi all,

I’ve got it! Had it a week, all the symptoms and weirdly, totally lost my sense of smell - just seen this is a new symptom. Not been nice and I still feel very tired, but I’m through the worst I think.

Right, now I have to stay 2 metres away from all your posts for two weeks!
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Dave W on March 22, 2020, 12:09:40 PM
A huge thank you to all our members working at the frontline of the coronavirus crisis internationally. Our most sincere thanks go to you all. This thread has given us a unique insight into how members in different countries are handling the lockdowns and self-isolations that have now become part of our daily lives.

We can't begin to understand the pressure on our medical and health service people whose own safety is compromised by the work they are doing, and we can only hope they and their families escape this invisible killer.

Guy - wishing you an enormous get well soon from everyone in the Forum community. Many of us are especially vulnerable due to age and underlying ailments so we are all sending you the strongest possible get well thoughts and wishes. Please keep us updated on how you are coping with this virus.

Warmest regards from a self-isolated Dave W on the Gold Coast in sunny Australia.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Pup7309 on March 22, 2020, 01:08:57 PM
Thanks Dave and everyone for your messages here.
Hopefully some of us can get some bench time. Might need to get some supplies while the local bricks and mortar are still open.
That could change tomorrow, as the news keeps getting worse. Here’s to our medical people, and sensible precautions and the day when it’s all over.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Gisbod on March 22, 2020, 09:05:32 PM
Thank you for your kind support!

I’m fine, 53 and pretty fit. Peoples symptoms seem to be wide ranging. Mine were: aching everything, headache, hot sweats and chills, and, after about a week, a total loss of smell. I had a very slight cough but it did feel a little uncomfortable on my chest. Just left now with no energy and still can’t smell! I felt really bad for a couple of days.

Hope you’re all ok.

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Radarman on March 22, 2020, 11:56:39 PM
Thanks for the first hand account and it’s good to know you’re
on the mend. I spent 35 years working in ATC, retiring age 56,
then moving on to contract work in procedure design. I can’t imagine
what this virus could do to a radar facility if a member of the workforce
has it. You work in such close proximity to the other controllers.
Enough of that, I hope you start smelling Tamiya Extra Thin soon
and dive into a good build.
                                         Kevin in Port Orchard
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: coyotemagic on March 23, 2020, 06:58:32 AM
So glad to see that you're on the mend, Guy.  Hope you recover your energy and sense of smell.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: pepperman42 on March 23, 2020, 08:28:54 AM
A quick recovery Guy. I work at YYZ and the measures being taken to protect employees are patch work at best.  At 60 with some respiratory history I am concerned. As of now its business as usual for me but flights are, of course, dwindling. I work in an isolated area but still have to walk through the terminal to get there. I do everything I can to protect myself but who knows.......

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: kensar on March 23, 2020, 09:23:49 AM
Guy - Hoping you have a speedy recovery - with model building included.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Alexis on March 23, 2020, 10:15:56 AM
Take care of yourself Guy and get better soon .

Being a transit user to get around the city , mostly work but has me a little worried . Don't work with many people at work so thats good . Right now there is only three of us and I work in the back by myself . We are closed to the public . Are sales come from online which is about 97% of our business . But as more and more places close across Canada ,  we might be forced to do the same . Taking the bus in the morning isn't bad , not very many folks are on and I get a ride at the end of the day avoiding over crowded  buses which suits me just fine .

I have well over 200 kit's and ample supplies to kept me going with a shit loud of music , but for me it's work as usual which is alright with me .

Take care all of you and be safe out there .

Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: PrzemoL on March 24, 2020, 12:53:33 AM
I am joining the chorus of well wishes to you, Guy! Sincerely - have a speedy recovery.

PS. Incidentaly, I have just read that loss of olfate and taste are quite frequent effects of coronavirus action.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Olieslagers on March 26, 2020, 11:42:25 PM
Greeting from Idaho

First I hope that everyone is doing well. As usual Idaho is behind everyone but as soon as we reached 100 cases a state wide lockdown was declared.
Did use some of my time to build a storage with drawers for paints and other modeling implements. Even got a foam lined drawers for storing parts
of ongoing project.
Sorry to admit but as a ex naval aviator I had to work on a 1/32 T28. To redeem myself I am also working on a vignette including a Holt tractor pulling
a Renault tank. I have about a dozen WNW kit waiting to be build so I am OK ! Told my wife this is why we stock kits, just in case of pandemic!
We have our cats that give us a illusion of normalcy, but miss our Golden Retriever that passed way 2 months ago.
Remember as modelers we have a big advantage over everyone else, we have a hobby that keep our mind busy and our creative juices flowing.Maybe there
will be some younger people being introduced to the hobby.
Take care everyone and be safe.
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: ermeio on March 27, 2020, 04:02:25 AM
Hi all from Rome
The virus hit here as well, even if not as hard as in northern Italy.
Our style of life has changed a lot, but no time for modeling even if I work from home now.

Anyway, greetings from here
stay safe
er me
Title: Re: Modelling during the coronavirus pandemic
Post by: Harold55 on April 02, 2020, 09:15:21 AM
Minnesota has a "stay at home" order so nothing but essential business is going on - certainly no hobby shops so everything needs to be through mail order.  I just finished an Eduard Sopwith TriPlane today and before that I did a Mirage Hobby CL.II and a CL.IV.  I will try to post pictures if figure our how that works.  I am not going down to the stash to take a look at something unusual.  I have never built a Special Hobby WWI subject and they have quite a few interesting kits.  There will be no going to the hobby shop to get that one jar of paint, they are all closed so if I need something special it will be mixed.  I mixed my own PC.10 for the TriPlane and it ended up looking like chocolate with a green tint.  Looking for snow here tomorrow.