WW1 Aircraft Modeling > Photographing your Models

Outdoor photo setup

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I disassembled an old analogue camera to get a photo thread adapter. I transferred it under my airfield photo base and can now take pictures outside with two tripods and am flexible in positioning the model and camera. 8)

I have now rephotographed my latest projects, for which I previously only had pictures from the light tent.
Stay tuned!


You have taken a picture of this so..... you've obviously got another camera taking the picture.
To show us the full setup should you not show us a picture of that other camera taking the picture of the camera taking the picture?
..... but then I suppose you'd need another camera to take that picture, so that'd be a picture of the camera taking a picture of the camera taking a picture of the camera taking a .......
Oh my head hurts.

Sandy, you made my day ;D ;D
I break out of this recursion simply with a smartphone. The internal camera was good enough to capture this setup.



--- Quote from: macsporran on August 26, 2021, 06:47:47 AM ---You have taken a picture of this so..... you've obviously got another camera taking the picture.
To show us the full setup should you not show us a picture of that other camera taking the picture of the camera taking the picture?
..... but then I suppose you'd need another camera to take that picture, so that'd be a picture of the camera taking a picture of the camera taking a picture of the camera taking a .......
Oh my head hurts.

--- End quote ---

Manet and Monet like that one too…

That's a neat setup Frank!  Very portable to get he right background (not all of us have meadows, fields and distant woods right out of our back doors!).  Thanks for sharing that. 

BTW, your recent outdoor photos look great!

Best regards,



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