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How To Modeling Books

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Nigel Goodson:
I was just wondering if there was a good how to book that details building WW1 aircraft . WNW apparently has one , but it's currently unavailable , sold out, and it's expensive. I really could use something that shows a step by step walk through, it would be of great help to me at this point. Any ideas, or recommendations would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance

These a couple of books from Ray Rimmel that may be what you're looking for.
Highest Regards,
Gregory Jouette

Nigel Goodson:
Thanks for your replies guys, I spent a bunch of time today looking for books on the web, and didn't see any of these titles anywhere! I guess you just have go to the pros for this kind of thing.....Thanks again lads.
Oh yeah, sorry if I posted this in the wrong place Des, ooops.My bad. :-\

Rob Hart:
Windsock Worldwide magazine has a long running series of articles titled Modeling Master class that has a lot of useful information and techniques. Each article focuses on specific areas of the building process, i.e., struts, wings, cockpits, rigging, etc.. Highly recommended. 

To the above I would add that you can learn quite a bit from Des's articles on this forums parent site, and by perusing the build logs here as well as the modeling hints topic. "Search" is your friend. ;)


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