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Missing link


My wife occasionally reminds me that I'm the evolutionary Missing Link, but this time I'm referring to website links  ;D

I bookmarked a WNW Felixstowe build back in 2016, but it's now a dead link.

I found the topic title "Felixstowe F.2a (132, Wingnut Wings)" in Search, which brought me to, which says that the topic was moved to a Group Build forum, but the Group Build link is dead also.

Is there any way to find the original topic?

Thanks for your help!


Dave W:
Hi Peter

I put my magic Forum  Administrator hat on and went in search of that missing link and from what I can see the group build it refers to dates back to circa 2015. There's a post from Des in February 2015 saying that build had been moved to a group build board, but it looks like the GB board it refers to was deleted some time after that. Sadly there's no way to retrieve files once they are deleted.

That's why the 2017 WW1 diorama GB board is preserved in the archive area and thus still accessible. The Des memorial GB board will also go there in due course. Due to the invaluable tips offered by these builds I want to keep them on line and available to members.

Sadly the Felixstowe build you seek was moved before my time. If we knew who the builder was perhaps they might have kept a copy of their posts? I'm happy for these to be re-posted here again.


Dave W

Gold Coast

Hi Dave,

Many thanks for looking for that build! I'm a retired IT person, so I appreciate the effort on your part. Unfortunately my bookmark title doesn't have the builder's name.

Since it's gone, I'm sure it held the secret to making my eventual build a success  :)

Thanks for the wonderful job you do on the forum. It's truly an essential but usually unnoticed and thankless task.



lone modeller:
I think that the Felixtowe build to which you refer was by Prez. I am sure that he would be ready to own up if it was him and that he would be prepared to post photos of the build again if asked.



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