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Paper and Card models / Re: Phonix DI
« Last post by DMPopa on Today at 11:20:21 AM »
Taking pictures of airplane details and blowing up the views makes me see things that do not look very pretty in retrospect.  One area is the instrument panel.   The instrument panel looked too dull and the attachment points of the black levers was very messy.    I smoothed out the attachment points and added gloss, first applying Testors Glosscoat followed with several coats of Future Floor Wax.   The reason for first coating with the Glosscoat is because putting the Future Floor Wax directly on inject printed graphics causes the ink to be activated, i.e.  it liquifies and smears.   The result is still not as good as I would like, so next time I will try printing the instrument panel on photo paper, the glossy version. 

Completed models / Re: AMC DH.9 Spetsai (1/32, Wingnut Wings)
« Last post by Brad Cancian on Today at 08:57:02 AM »
Oh my, what a strikingly beautiful thing! Amazing work Prze, how do you keep up the pace and the quality?!  :o


Completed models / Re: AMC DH.9 Spetsai (1/32, Wingnut Wings)
« Last post by Pep111 on Today at 04:30:19 AM »
Wow! What a great job. You have turned a kind of boring plane  into a real stunner.
Completed models / Re: Roden 1/32 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter
« Last post by Pep111 on Today at 04:25:32 AM »
Truly inspirational, got me wanting to do one.
Salmson Assembly Line
Inspired by the Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter, which Emile Salmson & Cie had built under license, Salmson 2 A.2 became one of France's primary reconnaissance aircraft during the war.  Over    3,800 were built between Salmson, Latécoère, Hanriot, and Desfontaines. This image likely depicts Samson's factory at Boulogne-Billancourt.
(from the Perth Western Mail, 31 May 1918):

Check out forum member PrezemoL's 2-A2 in 1/32 scale by Wingnut Wings:
TaurusModels / Re: What do you need from TaurusModels?
« Last post by kensar on Today at 03:48:08 AM »
I have the distinct impression that he is only interested in what the Facebook WNW group wants or says, thinking WNW kit builders are his only market, which is a real shame.
Completed models / Re: Roden 1/32 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter
« Last post by Dirigible-Al on Today at 01:39:59 AM »
Really excellent work Nigel, a joy to see.
Hi all - it appears that we have returned some additional functionality in regards to PMs. I am not sure the whole issue is fixed, but it is an improvement.

I also have been told that this thread has no 'reply' button - if you are experiencing issues with e-mail notifications for PM or thread subscriptions (or if you have had issues and they now seem to have resolved), then please just drop me a private message (hopefully i'll also receive a notification!  ;D )

Thanks again all,

Completed models / Re: Roden 1/32 Sopwith 1 1/2 Strutter
« Last post by NigelR on May 31, 2024, 06:00:14 PM »
Thanks Ben. The base was really quite challenging because it's so big. Trying to get enough variation to make it look like more than a load of static grass was harder than I thought it would be.....

Im about to try my first figure and those things scare me!
Best of luck. A couple of thoughts - Vallejo beige red is a great starting point for a flesh colour. Also, make sure the clothing on the figure is nice and matt. Several paints (like Vallejo) leave a slight sheen which doesn't look realistic. I use AK Interactive Ultra-matte varnish to achieve a nice matt finish.
Paper and Card models / Re: Phonix DI
« Last post by DMPopa on May 31, 2024, 10:18:40 AM »
I glued in place the rear part of the fuselage structure to the side panel.   To ensure a tight fit and good alignment, I pinned the side panel in place as I did the forward part.

The kit has the seat sitting on a representation of a single board that is glued to each side panel.    Since I am working on one side at a time, I added another piece of cardboard structure under the seat and glued this piece, and the single board to the side of the panel.

This is the fuselage structure with the left side panel glued in place.   To achieve a good alignment, I trimmed the cockpit floor to shorten the distance between the forward structure and the rear structure.  Always pays to test fit everything before gluing.   

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