WW1 Aircraft Modeling > WW1 Aviation Figures

Painting figures 101

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or just my way. ;D
Hi Folks I´m been asked about a tutorial on how I paint my figures and here I will give it a try. So first thing first as they say, this is what you need for the job. Most off it you already have I guess.

•   A nice figure you’ll want to paint.
•   White Spirit, This is my favourite medium to dilute the Humbrols and oils paint with. It´s easy to get a new bottle from grocery and comes sheep.
•   Humbrol paints in different colours and shades, I´ will give you some kind off the most common colours I use.
•   Brushes, if you will go sheep that’s okay and always choose the good brush at your own local hobby shop, if the tips is broken the brush is useless. Synthetic brushes are okay but they weir down rather quick so you have to get new one for the next figure. If you go for little bit more expensive brushes I recommend “Colinkski´s” They are good and last for six, seven figures before they get tired. You need brushes from size 0000 to 4- 5. Remember to use a big brush for big areas and small for the small areas.
•   Cotton glove can you get at the pharmacy, but if you have an old T-shirt that will do just fine anyway. I use this glove to moisten the brush with. A brush filled with paint will be rinsed in the first cup off spirits. This cup with spirit will soon get a dirty so using the second cup of spirits I´ll can see if the brush is clean, When the brush is full of spirit it’s just too much and by gentle touch the glove with the tip you can get rid of the excess off the spirits and the brush is just moistened and perfect to work on the wet Humbrol paint..
•   Matches, just something to stir up the paint with. The old Humbrols before the “super enamels” was thicker than the Super enamel´s so the old ones I stirred up real good before using them. Nowadays with the less pigmented “Super enamels” I almost never stir up the paint, I just pick up a lump off paint from the bottom off the can with a match and use White spirit to dilute it.
•   Airbrush or rattle can with primer. I use Humbrols flat white 34 and grey (64 50/50%), using an airbrush for the first coat of primer. You can use a rattle can if you don´t have excess to an airbrush just beware that you don´t get to much paint on the figure, that´s common with these rattle cans. I use the grey/white mix because my eyes like to see the figure and the shadows that’s comes alive when putting the figure under the work lamp. That’s the first hint off where the shadows will be painted so just play around a bit to see the shadows changing.
•   A good work lamp. Check your light bulb man!!!!!! Make sure that you have a light bulb that gives you “daylight” otherwise you end up with some mysterious colours' on you figure. Cold white is no good..

This is for a starter and hoping that you got any question, comments. Sorry if my English are somewhat rusty, you’ll have to live with it if you follow this thread.


Thanks very much LarsaQ for starting this topic, I am so much looking forward to learning from you.


Thanks for starting this, I love to learn and improve my skills!

great stuff, looking forward to the rest of the tutorial  :)


Subscribe to the topic. Especially because MiniArt will soon release 1/16 Ernst Udet figure.


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